Circular defense: All about skin care around the eyes


The skin around the eye is very thin, easily apologized and that is why prone to rapid aging. Evenkers, bags, mimic wrinkles may appear at any age. The most common cause of dark circles is considered increased fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, coffee abuse and cigarettes, fatigue from a computer. Lymphatic drainage massage is the easiest way to correct the situation. It can be done not only at the beautician, but also independently. Apply a special gel or cream on clean skin and take circular patting movements for a few minutes, alternating them with light presses on the eye around the eyes.

Also dark circles are frequent stress satellites. Conduct with increased excitability helps rest - get distracted by pleasant things in life and try not to be nervous on trifles. If necessary, start taking soothing drugs.

Some women have allergic reactions to cosmetics. They lead to dryness of the skin, redness, edema, the appearance of wrinkles and bags. In such cases, "heavy artillery" may be required. After the rate of biorevitalization or injections of hyaluronic acid, the skin is restored, traces of fatigue disappear.

One of the most common causes of circles appearance are the problems associated with the internal organs. Most often it is diseases of the heart, the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) and disruption of the kidney work (when the exchange products are not fully and "stuck" in the body). Here, no external influences will help, you need to see the doctor as soon as possible.

Many of us love to sit on hard diets, tested themselves with hunger strikes. But a sharp weight loss can provoke the appearance of ugly blue blue eyes. Fast weight loss is thinning the fabric that separates the skin from the vessels, because of this, they begin to shine even more. If this is your case, do not delay the visit to the cosmetologist. Most likely, he will advise you to undergo a course of hardware procedures or even make plastic surgery.

Wrong face care or its complete absence is also a frequent cause of circles under the eyes. Subcase cosmetics or improper use of it poorly affect the skin condition. This zone does not tolerate aggressive funds, so it is necessary to pick care especially carefully.

Emergency toast

Fight with dark circles, bags under the eyes and mimic wrinkles helps special cosmetics. For example, the effect of anti-aging creams is aimed at stimulating the skin self-healing process. Such means are saturated with peptides, antioxidants, which slow down the aging processes, strengthen the cellular tissue. They have a light low-fat texture, thanks to this they quickly absorb and "work" on the skin throughout the day.

As a rule, it includes caffeine, green tea, hyaluronic acid, vegetable components. Easy, fresh and low-fat texture allows the geebe just and quickly absorbed, effectively moisturize and protect the skin. Most often, these tools are equipped with metal rollers, which, during applying to the skin, massage it and cooled.

Cosmetic products with lifting effect contain a powerful rejuvenating complex, which actively affects existing wrinkles. According to the consistency, they usually have a slightly dense gels and so that such a cream is better absorbed, it must be carefully able to ink in the skin. And the remnants must be blocked with a napkin. The moisturizing structure of rejuvenating creams will protect and care for the skin for the whole day, while creating an ideal eye contour.

Not so long ago, manufacturers of many cosmetic brands began to produce masks-patches under the eyes. They act exactly, quickly and efficiently. Suppose you did not get enough sleep and you need to look good before an important meeting. Do not worry, patches are reanimated! Stick them under the eyes and after ten to fifteen minutes, evaluate the result in the mirror. Hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are part of such means, perfectly animated the skin and literally erases all traces of fatigue from its surface.

Folk remedies are also a good help in solving the problem. First of all, I want to recall: if you have a predisposition to edema, then after six in the evening it is necessary to use any liquid to use any liquids! It is important. Starting from the second half of the day, the exchange processes in the body slow down, and the water is worse excreted from the body. A cup of tea before bedtime just provokes the morning swelling under the eyes. In order not to risk and not dying from thirst, avoid salted and pepper food in the evening.

We recommend always two teaspoons in the refrigerator in the refrigerator. Waking up in the morning, just attach them to the eyes of ten minutes. This perfectly tones the skin. Cool green tea compresses and compresses are helping (moisten cotton discs and also attach to the eyes). The cooled fresh cucumber rings and the pulp of raw potatoes will help the skin "wake up" and look fresh. Take yourself to sleep on a high pillow, it will improve the outflow of lymph.

Masking rules

In the fight against edema, all means are good! Visually hide bruises and swelling with the help of decorative cosmetics. You just need to know some secrets of competent camouflage, which are usually used by professional makeup artists in their work. They recommend choosing a masking agent with skin type. If it is normal or prone to dryness, then prefer the corrector, which include moisturizing components. For fatty and combined skin, use products without oil content: they will last for a long time will retain the impeccable view of your makeup.

So, how to hide imperfections?

1. Distople on the sections under the eyes of the consiletor or the masking tonal base. Then we will cover your fingertips to drive it into the skin. It is important to remember that the color of the masking means is always selected depending on the shade of circles under the eyes. For example, if they have a blue shade, then the corrector must be orange-yellow; Dark brown hides a beige tone well, and yellowish is a corrector with a blue or purple pigment.

2. On top of the masking means, apply a tonal cream. You need to do it with a flat brush or sponge - someone like it. After the area under the eyes is combined, proceed to apply the basis for the entire face. At the end, take a little crumbly powder on the brush and give the skin of frosiness.

Elena Biryukova

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