Maria Kozhevnikova told about the problems after the appearance of children


Actress Maria Kozhevnikova last week became a mom for the second time. True, as it turned out, during the motherhood, the young mammy had to face a number of problems, which she told fans. For example, because of the wrong crib for the baby, the artist almost earned problems with his back. Maria even posted a bedroom photo. The room is withstand in bright colors. Cot oval with a canopy. Kozhevnikova told, with which she had to face when choosing children's furniture.

"With the advent of Vanechka, being not an experienced mom, the method of trial and mistakes, I was looking for what is better for my baby. And faced with the problem of choosing children's furniture and shifting the Internet, chose a set of an Italian manufacturer. I made an order, paid considerable money, waited, and when the furniture came - disappointment came ... The first month we could not get rid of the smell - whether the paints, or the glue, had to constantly ventilate the nursery. A bed ... In general, I dubbed her "Goodbye back". Because of the high sidelights that did not go down, had to be constantly visible to get and put a child there. Everything was beautiful, but absolutely not functional. But, on their own mistakes, they learn, and this time for a newborn son I decided not to experiment, but book our Russian production crib. Chose an oval transformer bed and remained very pleased with his choice: it carries the functions and cribs, and a player, and a sofa, and even chairs, very convenient in operation ... "(ORFography and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - He wrote a star in his microblog.

Maria Kozhevnikova showed a crib of his son. Photo:

Maria Kozhevnikova showed a crib of his son. Photo:

Now you can not be afraid that Kozhevnikov's deputy will earn a problem with his back. Spouse Selection of Mary approved.

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