Medicines that should not receive drivers


Most familiar a law prohibiting the vehicle in a state of alcohol and drug intoxication. However, few know about danger to remain without the right after the reception of "harmless" drugs. We will tell you what medicines should refrain before sitting behind the wheel.

Alcohol-containing drugs

First of all, these are drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases: drops based on ethyl alcohol, as well as tablets, which include this component. Ethanol may also be present in the composition of painful and antipyretic drugs, most popular antibiotics.

The use of alcohol behind the wheel threatens the deprivation of rights

The use of alcohol behind the wheel threatens the deprivation of rights

Important note: If you hit an accident or other accidents, it is nervous - refrain from the reception of the above preparations until the end of the medical examination by the traffic police officers or a medical laboratory. Otherwise, the test results can show the existence of alcohol intoxication, which is an indication for the deprivation of rights and imposing a fine.

Medicines containing psychotropic substances

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/30/1998 No. 681 (ed. Dated July 29, 2017) Includes a list of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, as well as substances involved in the reaction of their education, whose turnover is prohibited or strictly regulated. For example, it includes:

  • codeine contained in some cough drugs, painkillers and antipyretic drugs;
  • Phenobarbital which is part of the preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, soothing, painkillers and antispasmodics.


Medications for the treatment of allergic reactions for the most part do not contain prohibited substances, but cause dangerous to control the vehicle reaction. For example, drowsiness, slowdown in the central nervous system.

Not all tablets can be drunk before traveling.

Not all tablets can be drunk before traveling.

Preparations against diarrhea and vomiting

Often, these drugs include existing substances Loperamide and methoclopramide, which are not prohibited by law, but slow down the rate of CNS reactions. Additionally affect vision - pupils are expanding, which creates the effect of blurring the image.

Neuroleptics, Sleeping and Phacking Preparations

Such drugs also slow down the work of the nervous system, therefore, may affect the driver's care on the road and the rate of response in dangerous situations.

Important note: With a constant reception, the active substance is derived from the body up to 5 days, with one-time - for 5-10 hours.


Medicinal fees, which include Valerian, Mother, Peony, Shememan, Melissa, Mint, and others, have a sedative effect on the body. They strongly affect the driver's reaction rate, which is dangerous when a person is driving.

From some drugs you can fall asleep

From some drugs you can fall asleep

Form of release of drugs

Note that the prohibited and non-recommended drugs can be released not only in the form of drops, tablets and powders, they are also produced in the form of eye and ear droplets, the candle, etc. Plan a reception in advance with your attending physician or refrain from driving.

It is impossible to pardon

On the basis of the positive results of medical examination, the case is transmitted to the court. If the allowable alcohol content in exhaled air is 0.16 mg per liter and 0.35 mg in the blood, the content of narcotic or psychotropic substances in the urine is not regulated by law. This means that when any, even residual, the number of substances you "automatically" deny the rights.

Always bring with me a recipe for the appointment of the doctor's nominal seal, so that if necessary, to present it to the traffic police officer before the moment he "sends you" to a medical examination.

Others just dulk attention

Others just dulk attention

Important note: Before use, be sure to read the instructions. In the "Special Instructions" section, the manufacturer indicates whether a combination of drug reception is possible and the vehicle management.

Remember that the vehicle is a source of increased danger. Carefully treat driving, as you are responsible not only for your own life, but also for the lives of other road users. Do not risk in vain. Good luck on the roads!

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