How easy and elegantly survive betrayal


All ingenious truths are simple. And so simple that there seems unworthy trust. Check how much you understand one of them: "Take everything that happens to you with gratitude."

Life is striped - today everything is easy and simple, and tomorrow the world turns away from the legs. But no matter how much your life has been formed, remember: there is nothing casual in her a priori. And sooner or later, trouble happens, and people react standard in two ways: they fall into despondency, longing and inaction or the wave of indignation and anger is covered. And if you are attended by thoughts of the type: "How could this happen to me?", "Why do I all of this?", "Chertova injustice!", "He's villain" means that you did not accept the situation, they did not cope with it. And therefore, alas, she will repeat with you again and again. We will change people, countries, continents - but she will come to you anyway. Whether you at least a hundred times exceptional, successful, smart and beautiful - it does not guarantee you anything.

If you notice that some things are repeated with you from year to year, and you are on the same rake with the same rake, stop, "Spice the brains": maybe it's worth trying something new instead of our usual, boring and monotonous Before longing reactions. How to be and what to do? Everything is simple: To begin with, give the will to emotions, there is nothing to store them within yourself. Unspoken emotions - fertile soil for all sorts of twigs (about the causes of diseases, read on my site). Run the offender in the shreds, tell him how you are upset, and ... accept the situation. Yes, you are special, but what to do - and with you this can happen. Do not believe it, but this is the most effective way to take the top over the situation that has taken away the land from under the feet. In Aikido, for example, you also retreat, allow the enemy to attack, "go after him," at the same time you use his strength and power to ultimately won your little victory.

But that's not all. Having resigned, you need to find the positive parties in what happened and learn how to receive pleasure from the happening of the "tragedy". I do not argue, it is difficult, but the efforts spent are worth it. If you really take the situation, she will never happen again. A good stimulus to try something new in your life, isn't it? And my weekly astrological forecast will help to learn about the trends of the current week.

May 29. A very good day for any negotiations. You can close questions, put a point in affairs, get rid of bad habits, arrange gastronomic experiments.

May 30. A very harmonious day is to schedule a romantic date on him, an important meeting.

May 31. Excellent day for passing exams, celebration events, exhibitions, opening ceremonies, presentations or travel starts.

June 1st. Today it is possible to meet with influential people, you can get promotion, personal benefit for yourself. Therefore, if there are similar plans in your head, choose the day today and collect a crop. One nuance is for help exclusively for men.

2 June. Today, people should be more sharp, uncompromising and even brutal. You can try to be such, especially in affairs requiring decisive actions and breakthrough.

June 3. If you do not agree with anyone, today is not the best day to demonstrate it. Carelessly said word can provoke a serious conflict.

June 4th. The day does not support excessive activity. It is better to give preference to leisurely walks and rest in nature.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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