Maria Shurochka: "If a person's meeting and fall in love with his ears, I can quit sport"


Maria Shurochkin - the champion of everything in light in the field of synchronous swimming, including the 2016 Olympic Games. Today, Masha is preparing for the 2020 Olympics. What she is going to do after her, until she decided. Perhaps asking for help The famous native sister is the singer Nyche.

- Mary, our interview began early in the morning. What mood you usually wake up?

- It depends on what mood I am a lying. (Laughs.) I force myself to think only about good things, set myself to good way. I fall asleep with the idea that life is everything that I need, but only if I believe it. And when I forget to do it, I wake up boiled spaghettine. (Laughs.) Today I have not slept. Late yesterday late. So today everything went wrong, as I would like. And from this a little sad.

Maria Shurochka:

Vladimir Shurochkin (Right), Father Mary, began a musical career in the "Affectionate May" group. Now he will produce his older daughter and is well known in the music industry.

- We always say that morning you need to start with charging. Tip from the Olympic champion: How to do the morning gymnastics?

- First warm up. First of all, the body needs to fool. Someone will be easy to move a little head in different directions, wave handles. For someone you need a jog. All individually. But in any case, a light physical workout leads the body into a state of activity. I will say: when I get up, I don't want to eat at all. But as soon as I start to warm up, my appetite wakes up. The body starts work. Be sure to smoke the neck, turning your head. For the back - to the left and right to make slopes. For hands - circular movements from elbows. Brush brushes. Shoulder joints to smoke. Be sure to knead the feet. We go so much, they also get tired. Twist them. Knees, too, in a circle, squats. And run. It seems to me that it is very helpful. Fifteen minutes in the morning in the street is so cool. Especially when the time of year is beautiful. In autumn, for example. Sheets are all in gold, and you run around the cold air.

- Half of your family - athletes. Half - musicians. You went my mother's, sports path, Nyusha's sister - in daddy, musical. Never regretted the selected direction?

"I'm trying to open something new for myself." I chose the sport, although in life I still manage and do the music, and study theater. I think if a person chooses for himself some scope of activity, this does not mean that he closes everything else for himself. I am a multifaceted person: I write poems, I am engaged in music and draw.

Nyusha supported Maria and in childhood, and during the sports career

Nyusha supported Maria and in childhood, and during the sports career

Photo: Personal archive Mary Shurochka

- You have already tried yourself as a model. How are you impressions?

"Yes, a couple of times I went to the podium." This is very exciting! You know, I didn't even think that to such an extent, as it turned out to be. And, of course, the biggest fear of any model is to fall on the podium. I even just go, without a podium, worried. And when I walked down the "language", my heart stopped! (Laughs.) For me it was unusually scary, but very interesting. You understand that everyone is now looking at you, and you have to convey to them the idea of ​​a designer. Must be presented to this beautiful. You can arrange it in your own way, decorate this work with your gait, emotions. And I was always wondering why the models do nothing with their face emotionally. But on the podium you can play!

- The coaching career does not dress you?

- I looked at how coaches work. This is extremely difficult work. And I would like to disclose myself now not in the sports field, but at some other.

- This is explained, you are engaged in sports from early childhood. What is he for you?

- For me, sports is all, he takes most of my life! For now. It takes all my time. Free simply not. He is part of me. Honestly confess: I can not imagine what will happen when I leave a lot of sports. Yes, and I do not want to think about it. While I have a goal, I think that I am a sport. Once the goal is reached, I can realize yourself in something else, associate myself with something else.

At the Olympics in Rio Maria was with the whole family and divided the joy of victory with close

At the Olympics in Rio Maria was with the whole family and divided the joy of victory with close

Photo: Personal archive Mary Shurochka

- The goal is the 2020 Olympics?

- You can and so to speak. I do not want to shut up, but it seems to me that it will be one of the final starts. But I can not say anything for sure. All life is so unpredictable. Today I am here, tomorrow is already there.

- There is such a motto in Eastern exercises: "here and now." Apparently, is he close to you?

- I believe that this is a very correct slogan for each person. After all, many people constantly live either past, worrying that they didn't do something, or dream about what needs to be done, as needed to build a relationship where to go. And in the present they are not at all present. From this is lost a lot. I happened to read the little book just about it. It is called the "power of this" Eckhart Tol. Talking with you now, I think about how I read this book, how she lost it. Although I am much more pleasant to talk to you than to think about your loss in the past. (Laughs.)

- You are the owner of numerous titles. Remember that they felt at that moment when became the Olympic champion?

- There was something indescribable. For sure! I remember myself on the pedestal. I was tearing from feelings. But awareness of what I became the Olympic champion, came only the next morning. I woke up, opened my eyes and suddenly realized that I had a vacation. Yes, with such an exclamation mark! So, it seems to me, the taste of victory comes gradually.

According to the results of the Olympiad, Rio Maria received from the hands of the President of the Friendship of Peoples for High Sports Achievements

According to the results of the Olympiad, Rio Maria received from the hands of the President of the Friendship of Peoples for High Sports Achievements

- And where did they go on vacation?

- Parents gave me a trip to Paris for a week. Book an apartment. And I lived a week in this fabulous city. Since then, I am in love with Paris.

- Something has changed in life after passing this rubikon?

- Yes, has changed. I do not know what to do next, - kidding. Just when you reach the main goal, you need to urgently put a new one. It's hard to live a person without a goal. It is not interesting. And when I won this start, I had a lot of incomprehensible thoughts, the most important of which: what now? Athletes are often underestimated in excellent time. Everyone believes that the person who has become an Olympic champion and who has gone from the sport will heal without problems. He has the status, he will take him everywhere, because he is cool. This is all wrong. A stupid comparison, but if a person is released from prison, where he spent 25 years, he can do everything he wants. But he does not know where to start, for what to take. Everything is very similar. Seventeen years I am in the national team, starting with Junior. I know what I want, I have a clear schedule, defined exercises. And in life, when you finish the sports career, you must make this schedule for yourself. You need to start anew, from scratch, choose something. And in this complexity. So people are mistaken, thinking that we are easily then in life.

- Girls easier: they can marry and devote themselves to the family. You did not think about this version?

- I don't think about the family now, that's for sure. In the future, naturally, I would like. Now I want to be a careerist. (Laughs.)

Recently, Maria appears at parties along with the musician Arseny Borodin. However, the couple does not comment on their relationship

Recently, Maria appears at parties along with the musician Arseny Borodin. However, the couple does not comment on their relationship

- You say you do not have free time, you are constantly in training and fees. But you are an adult attractive girl ...

"Let me answer this: if I meet a person and fall in love with his ears, do not deny that I can quit the sport. These are unpredictable things. You can not say "I will not marry" - and then I met anything about the love of my life somewhere and lost my head. I never say that something is absolutely sure. Always something can change. In addition to my goals. I am sure that I will reach something. And everything else is a roulette.

- What part of the body do you like most of all?

- What are you! You will tell you the story about my nose. I could not stand it at all. I believed that the girl should not have such a nose, with a porridge. I wanted to remake him with the surgeon. And then I began to meet people who spoke specifically and rudely, that only my nose like them. I was surprised at first, and then I thought: why should I change it if he attracts people so much. I looked at and saw something new in it. In general, I loved my nose. Very often it turns out that we do not like something in themselves, and people, on the contrary, it in us and like it. Attracts what we are trying to redo. It happens.

- Talk about your family. Your sister Nyusha is a real star. What is your relationship with her? Is it often possible to see?

- We are in excellent relationship, but we see very rare. Recently, they talked on the phone. She told me about how her baby's birth happened. What is your beautiful weather, not that we have. And so she is busy, I'm busy. But I hope when she returns to Moscow, I will be more common to visit her to visit or on her concerts.

Maria Shurochka:

"We and Nyusha in excellent relationships, but seeing very rarely"

Gennady Avramenko

- How do you feel as aunt?

- So far I do not feel at all, because I did not see your tribe. I understand that I became her, but to feel it, it seems to me, you need to take it in my hands, baby.

- Gifts have already prepared for the girl?

- Honestly, no. Nothing is ready yet. But I will search, I will think. This is a small child, I don't even know what to give. (Laughs.)

- Nyusha comes to your competition?

- She was at the Olympics. It was the only big start where she was able to come. She doesn't have a schedule easier for mine, I understand everything. And the whole family came to the Olympics. I was very happy. Need support. Of course, you understand that the whole country looks at you, but it helps himself very much when the family is near, not somewhere there, for the bridge of the lands at the TV, but alongside.

- Do you go to sister's concerts?

- Yes, but also rarely. And when I come, I am enthusiastic. She is for me the best singer, I adore her. I believe she is cool. Closing the eyes on the fact that she was my sister, her music, her choreography, dances, feed - very cool. Always admired how she composes her songs. Would be my will, walked to all her concerts. I would also not be against if she came to all my competitions. (Laughs.)

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