Elena Sparrow: "If I tell a joke, I do it on male"


- Elena, how do you relax in winter?

- Most often, when it turned out to combine my vacation with vacations of Sony's daughter, we went to Spain. Sometimes for the sake of such a trip, I even went to a small crime - and the daughter was walking a couple of days at school. Sonya loves winter at all, and I'm not very. Our winter is so long that we are trying to reduce this period with your trips to warm countries.

- I know, do you like to get up on skates, and in childhood rode?

- My childhood has always been associated with skates, I stood on skis just once, in the first grade, when we had a skiing. If I'm not mistaken, I did not work out very, so I did not return to this type of sport. But the skates adored from childhood, even a dream was that Santa Claus would one day brought real curly skates under the Christmas tree. But he did not hear me. Who knows, perhaps it was that it helped one day to understand that Santa Claus, expressing modern tongue, is a fake, invented by adults.

- Did the daughter ever believed in Santa Claus?

"When Sonya was very small, I tried not to destroy this New Year's fairy tale. Gifts appeared not just like that - we told her as soon as Santi Santa Claus. A couple of times came the culprit himself - and once scared her daughter. Therefore, in the next time he just left notes in gifts.

Sofia, daughter Elena Sparrow, are now fifteen years old. The girl has not chosen the future profession, but is fond of journalism, psychology and pedagogy

Sofia, daughter Elena Sparrow, are now fifteen years old. The girl has not chosen the future profession, but is fond of journalism, psychology and pedagogy

- What is the perfect holiday for you?

- When you can spend time with your family behind the New Year's table in front of the TV.

- What is your daughter fond?

- Understanding what she will do and where will come after school, not yet. Daughter tries himself in different spheres. He is fond of journalism, psychology, pedagogy. But while it is too early to talk, whether these are serious steps or just looking for themselves.

- New Year for you has come special - 20 years on stage. They say the anniversary program is ready?

"I can say that my friends close to me, with whom I have already communicated for many years and has not lost a connection, even moving to Moscow. As well as my Moscow colleagues: Yuri Galtsev, Gennady Winds, Sergey Drobotenko, Clara Novikova, Vladimir Nathanovich Vinokur - my godfather on stage. Will Nikolai Baskov, which I honored with his anniversary dates.

- You are considered one of the most successful and demanded actresses in the country. How did you get it to achieve this?

- Unfortunately or fortunately, I have no accurate recipe. I am sure that one drop of laziness can spoil the victory to which you went for many years. Success is developed for a long time and difficult, while it is possible to lose it very quickly. Excessive vanity, laziness in large doses or sustaining with their own success are capable of destroying everything that was created for years. By the way, I always feel awkwardly, when I patheticly magnify the "queen of parodies", "Star of pop" ... I am enough to hear: "You are our favorite artist."

Elena loves European Christmas bazaars very much and if possible, try to visit them at different trips

Elena loves European Christmas bazaars very much and if possible, try to visit them at different trips

- Where do you take ideas for your numbers?

- I do not have a single concept. In humor, fashion varies very quickly - new names appear, those who were recently popular disappeared. The rate of filing reprises is now more quickly than it was in the 80s, 90s and even in 2000. If I had owned the secrets of creating eternal hits, I would not share with you anyway. I do not give fish places!

- Elena Sparrow on stage and outside of it - are these two different people?

- Sometimes it happens that I seem to continue the performance started on stage in life. And sometimes I am absolutely different. I am twins on the sign of the zodiac, and that says it all.

- But only men became humorists and parodists, now "Women's Humor" is increasingly in demand. What do you think, why?

- You're very surprised me now! I would argue with it. I have an analytical warehouse of the mind - I am not just watching whose success, I analyze to understand what a phenomenon is. Therefore, used to appeal to facts or statistics. And statistics are stubborn, and she says that most of the audience is women. Who is sitting in the hall at the concerts of pop stars? Mostly women. Men dominated on the scene. Women have always been in the minority. Of course, there is such a format where many participants. But they do not protrude sololy, there are many of them, and men's characters often appear in scenes. All other "women on the stage" can be sorted by fingers. I am sure you have two hands. Why is this happening? Male is more allowed. They are better telling jokes, better cook. Men tougher and cynical joke. Most of the women blushes when a puffy joke tells. Me not. I just love humor to ahead: paradoxical, cynical, good, male. If I tell a joke, I do it on male.

"We found out that you are beautiful, talented, active, and do you have the disadvantages that you have never succeeded?

- So I told you! Sometimes there is some kind of humorous program on TV, and I'm not ridiculous. And I begin to think about, suddenly I had a flaw ... sense of humor. In fact, a person is a unique creation, full of not only advantages, but also with small layers of flaws. I am for that these mess be a bit, so that the advantages were much more than the minuses.

Elena Sparrow:

"I am for realism and objective assessment and yourself, and how much the place in our life is played by His Majesty.

- Looking at you, never speak in life that just a year ago you celebrated your anniversary! How do you manage to look so dazzling young and beautiful?

"I will not mislead anyone and tell that sour cream, cucumbers and kefir helped me preserve youth and beauty." Whatever Gennady Malakhov, one salad on the face, in order to look good, obviously not enough. Yes, I try, despite the tight touring schedule, follow yourself. It is especially nice that from time to time I make presents-compliments various salons and cosmetologists, and I get the opportunity to try on myself something new. In addition, I myself periodically click on professionals who own beauty secrets at the level of the XXI century. Prints, vitamin cocktails and other modern procedures are an excellent opportunity to visually argue with age. And, of course, it is very important that sports attended life. Therefore, the simulators in my apartment added. Before last New Year, I wrote my Santa Claus "notch" so that he gave me a wonderful simulator who is useful for problems with the spine. And, of course, in no case should you forget about such a miraculous way to relax and return the lost tone muscles like a massage.

- You participated in many television projects. Which one remember most and why?

- For me, "two stars", "Dancing with the stars", "Zirka Plus Zirka", show "Repeat", performances as a guest star in the projects "one in one", "exactly", victory in the second season Show "Three Chord" is equally expensive. I speak with love about every project and about every colleague, with whom fought for the victory. Of course, when you reach the finish line first, the sweetness of victory overshadows all other sensations. It was just my year - 2018. I knew that I was going to defeat the "Three Chord" project. Of course, I was not so confident in myself, but before the start of the project she said: "Do, as the last time!". So we were taught in the theater university. Therefore, I had to build a program so much and make such numbers as if I had proven my right to be called an artist.

- There is a theory that there is a visualization of the future to fulfill the desires. How do you achieve your goals?

- I am for realism and objective assessment and yourself, and how much the place in our life is played by His Majesty. Because you can visualize and dream, but it happens very painful if the dreams are broken.

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