How to relax in nature without harm to health


Plant, loose, pour - in the country there are always a lot of work. And many from early morning until late evening spend their time on the beds. It is not surprising that many, especially the elderly, there are problems with pressure. And if you do not follow your condition or not pay attention to malaise, then not far to the hypertensive crisis.

It is believed that the most common sign of the beginning of the crisis is a headache. It can be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, noise in the ears and even vomiting. Other disturbing symptoms can be a cold sweat, a restless state and a rapid heartbeat.

Those who know about their problems with pressure, you need to avoid factors that can increase it. Namely, severe physical exertion, stressful situations, consumption of a large amount of salt and alcohol.

Vladimir Radionenko

Vladimir Radionenko

Vladimir Radionenko, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Higher Category Doctor

- In order for hypertensive to prepare for the summer season, it is necessary to choose adequate drug therapy in his therapist or cardiologist. And in order to do not worsen their condition in the country, first of all, it is necessary to try to stick to the usual regime and lifestyle. That is, wake up and go to bed in the usual time. Do not exceed the usual physical exertion. Try not to work at the hottest time of the day, that is, from 12.00 to 16.00. In the sun, be sure to wear a headdress. Drink enough pure water.

Hypertensive, as always, is recommended to limit the use of salt into food. And, of course, reduce the use of animal fats, fried and acute food.

First of all, the elderly person must have a tonometer at the cottage (the apparatus for measuring blood pressure). If you suddenly decreased the pressure, first you need to lie down, and the legs give the sublime position. Drink a glass of sweet tea. In the event of the ineffectiveness of the measures taken, of course, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

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