Observe the pair - some products need to be together


Combination number 1

Add black pepper to meat and can safely eat even a hamburger - this will not affect your figure. At the same time, both products are very useful - meat protein source, and pepper improves metabolism, regulates carbohydrate and fatty.

Just add Perchinka

Just add Perchinka


Combination number 2.

Milk in combination with turmeric can replace the finished protein cocktail or drinking yogurt. This drink is also called Golden Milk, "Golden Milk".

Mix 40 g of turmeric and 100 ml of water, put on the fire and boil to a boil, reduce the heating and boil, stirring, to the state of the thick mixture. Add a teaspoon of the product obtained into a glass of boiled milk. The finished paste must be stored in the refrigerator.

Golden milk

Golden milk


The fact is that in 1 tbsp. l. Turmeric contains: 26% of the daily norm of manganese, 16% of the daily rate of iron, indispensable fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins B6 and C. It reduces inflammatory processes in the body, oxidative stress and blood pressure, improves insulin sensitivity . And dairy products help lose extra kilograms.

Combination number 3.

As scientists found out, fried eggs for breakfast, gives satiety and helps to eat less calories per day by 18%. And if you add sweet pepper into it, then you immediately begin to lose weight, in addition, this vegetable contains 213% of the daily rate of vitamin C.

Sweet pepper creates wonders with a figure, and eggs give heart

Sweet pepper creates wonders with a figure, and eggs give heart


Combination number 4.

Half grapefruit before meals helps to reduce weight. In the group of people who used a glass of grapefruit juice or half of fresh grapefruit, weight loss accounted for about 1.5-1.6 kg in 12 weeks. A good combination of this citrus - fish. It will give not only the necessary organism of the vitamins of the group B, but also protein.

Fish and citrus - great combination

Fish and citrus - great combination


Combination number 5.

Observing the diet, it is very difficult to deny yourself in desserts - and do not - eat bitter chocolate. Its 100 grams contain from the daily rate of consumption: protein - 16%; iron - 66%; Manganese - 97%; Copper - 88%; zinc - 22%; Magnesium - 57%; Omega-3 and Omega-6; Vitamin B6 - 2%; B12 - 5%; Vitamin K - 9%; Riboflavin - 5%.

How without chocolate?

How without chocolate?


And if you add red pepper to the chocolate, which contains capsaicin, the metabolism will accelerate, more calories will burn, and the feeling of satiety will remain for a long time.

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