What will tell a horoscope about the future profession of your child


Astrology - tool for parents of the 21st century. Fortunately, the postulate "Mom knows better who you can be slowly moving into the past. In the era of a democratic Aquarius, an increasingly relevant informed parenthood, when an adult does not put himself above the child, and listens to him, learns needs and directs a light hand of discipline in adulthood.

Here is your baby, your flesh and blood. You look at him, finding a similarity with my father, mom, grandmothers ... It is so the nature is arranged that we are looking for yourself in a new man created by our bodies. He is helpless in front of you, it is completely in your field, the field of the mother. But he is already a person who is different from you. The baby can not really say about who he, why came to this world, which grains of talent are laid, and what it will be difficult for him and difficult. His soul is only getting used to the body, and the planets have already started their gradual inclusion of the mechanism of life - wheels, where he has the lived experience of past lives and new tasks for incarnation.

How to understand it? For most answer one: compare with you and parents, experience of other people. So we put stereotypes of development on the child. He began to speak early - cheers! - Will be a professor like dad. He likes to collect small details - will become a dentist, there this quality is valued.

Victoria Iva

Victoria Iva

Photo: instagram.com/vv.iva.

These comparisons are taken me not from the air. I hear them from parents at consultations when they are surprised that the child has the ability to psychology, business, and the professor's syllable from the kid - from the experience of past lives. "And you can't say!" - Mom is surprised. Well, if a child starts to ask from an early age: "Who do you want to become?" Before they pronounce its findings out loud, because children often become affected by the embarrassing words of parents.

Do not crist the person and show natural - this is the task that astrology easily copes to help your mother. And the most amazing thing is that it is possible to draw up a horoscope from the first minutes of birth. You just met, and he already has a route map of life for navigating to you, parents.

Perhaps I will disappoint you, but only one fact that you have been born Aries or Taurus, it is impossible to determine the appropriate profession for a child and his talents. If it were possible, all the scorpions would be psychiatras, and all the lions would speak on stage. But this is not the case, right? Many people were born on the same day with Angelina Jolie, but not everyone became an actor. You can find a teacher, as it should be based on basic characteristics. But a lot lives on the planet of the Forens-Carpenters and Streltsy Colonels?

Astrologer in the selection of profession takes into account all the planets and a set of other indicators of the horoscope. The horoscope always spelled out the scripts of professional implementation in the most basic version - along the lunar sign, the sixth house and the southern node. It works for everyone and always turns on from birth. On this scenario, a person can live long in the house-work mode.

However, in my opinion, the goal of drawing up a horoscope is not to "oracle appreciate and make my son president", but to analyze deep talents, the core of the person, that is, the "potential of the Spirit" and the emotional system, the vector of life scenario - The task of embodiment, the features of a suitable educational process specifically for your child, financial scenarios of life, and already suggest a parent, how to support the burning fire of the spirit of Chad and give it a step into the most informed choice of the profession that the parent is subtle and wisely formed through the balance of liberty and disciplines. This is the success of a child - the use of all potential to maximum harmony with subconscious needs.

Case from practice

Son (12 years old) N. refused to learn, spending most of the time for computer games, and spending his savings on it. Contact with his son broke out, a restriction was introduced on computers. Mom did not joke for the future of the child. And it is quite natural. After analyzing the horoscope, we found out that for the son of N. Computer games were not just a bad passion: the boy showed his first I am a dive into cyberspace, for which the Uranus is in connection with the Sun (creative forces), in a conjunction with a second-moon through the disposition - Deep motivation for material benefits in this area. The remaining indicators also confirmed that the boy was created for IT, and he should be applied to his talents. The boy was sent to courses on the creation of sites for which he could also get the first money. If the child does not study as it seems right to us, adults, it does not mean that he is stupid or lazy. And in this case, the horoscope helped Mama to send the son along the path of the career harmoniously.

Can mom itself, not being an astrologer, somehow appreciate the horoscope in terms of choice of activity? Of course, maybe! Do not disturb the subconscious needs, the comfort zone is the fundamental task of an adult when choosing a child's activity. For this in the horoscope answers the moon. Knowing the moon sign in the horoscope of his child, you can already get the tip of the stars about how it can contact with the world.

Astrology in choosing a profession for a child, and in general in life in general - this is a compass showing possible directions

Astrology in choosing a profession for a child, and in general in life in general - this is a compass showing possible directions

Photo: unsplash.com.

If the child has a moon:

In Ovne : Pick up activities where there is a struggle for leadership and a frequent change of activity without monotonous labor;

In Taurus: Practical, monotone activity, where you need to show practicality and business. Often in the work appreciate the beauty, aesthetics of the atmosphere;

In the twins: Activities in information flows where there is no hierarchy, all are equal. It is important to realize your curiosity and frequent decrease in the situation;

In cancer: Activities in a warm, cozy atmosphere, where emotional contact is important. In work, always want to be someone useful, help people;

In Lev: Satisfying your ambitions, the ability to build your pride and prove that he is in the collective chief. They love to take patronage over others. Work must passion like a game;

In the Virgin: labor utility, service, monotonous and accurate work;

In scales: Working with people where you need to meet, build contacts and be a diplomat;

In Scorpio: The activity where the struggle is needed, control and overcoming obstacles. Often people dangerous professions.

In Sagittar: Activities are important to their status in society, leadership opinions. In work will want to demonstrate knowledge, travel;

In Capricorn: Any conservative, hierarchical activity. Love stable income and logical processes in work without improvisations;

In Aquarius: Work in free, creative teams or freelancer. Will not suffer pressure and boredoms in the work. It is important to generate ideas;

In fish: Emotional sensitivity to any cause. In the work will prefer to take care, save, apply imagination. Often strive to implement creative gusts in any case.

Astrology in choosing a profession for a child, and in general in life as a whole - this is a compass showing possible directions. It will help to see the spirit of your baby, harmoniously use the weaknesses in a plus, will teach you to hear and watch him. As a rule, after the preparation of a children's horoscope, parents exhale calmly, receiving an action plan. I wish you enjoy the conscious choice of profession with my child.

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