Two parts of one whole: how to understand a partner if your views do not coincide


In relations there should be no leader and slave, otherwise the time you will be uncomfortable to be with a person who does not perceive you as equal, and puts above or lower. To really become independent and at the same time close, everyone needs to form his own worldview - it is not always it becomes during the teenage period. Many adults live without their own opinions on the initial issues and are not interested in what their partner thinks about this. It proposes to solve the problem, radically changing the traditional approach.

Talk about basic things

You know the history of your loved one - how he grew, he studied at school and university, what unsuccessful and successful novels survived? Many people have enough talk about domestic issues and discussing plans for the day to put a tick in the "Communication" paragraph, although close interaction it is definitely impossible to call. We wrote a material with a list of important issues to discuss issues - find it here and answer them with the partner to understand how similar or different people. Learn this and handle the glass locks is important at least in order to objectively look at your loved one and understand that it is important for him in life and whether his goals with yours are coincided.

recognize each other during the conversation

recognize each other during the conversation


Work with self-esteem

How do conflicts solve people with a healthy psyche? They do not bring it to extremely, allowing themselves to shout per person, and quietly offer to talk about what they are bothering. What do people do with obvious problems? They are trying to bring a person to conflict, reset the negative emotions due to the cry, scattering things, threats and other things that demonstrates their immaturity. Self-assessment is a determining factor: a healthy person seems to say "I respect my borders, which means I respect you and your borders." When you are satisfied with my life, to other people you are initially configured positively, which means they accept them and understand that they may differ from you.

Do not close on your circle of communication

The more friends you will have, the wider your horizons and vision of the world will become. You will understand that we are all different - everyone has their own history and life peripetics, to submit that, looking at a person, sometimes it is impossible. The practice of communicating with people of different sexes, age, social layers, worldview and other helps you get rid of false expectations. You understand that all people have the right to weakness, mistakes and errors, and at the same time they have the right to make these mistakes and live experience without your participation in it. Upon learning of the stories of others, it will be easier for you to understand the partner and explain to yourself than can be motivated by his actions and behavior.

be at a distance sometimes useful

be at a distance sometimes useful


Take care of your life

Falling in love with someone, so I want the doors in him roots and tie to yourself, but do not rush to do it. In our society is now moving a healthy idea that partners in the Union should not encroach each other's personal space - learn this. Each of you must have their own classes, it is desirable to a separate office in the apartment and the opportunity to go on holiday separately alone or with friends. Being at a distance, you can look at the relationship from the side and analyze that you are really experiencing a person. Moreover, different hobbies and areas of activity allow you to accumulate information that can be exchanged with each other and not to get tired of communication. Not in vain TV presenter Tina Kandelaki says that "man man is a source of information" - a very competent phrase.

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