Drink or not to drink? Stupid question


Alcohol, as is known, does not know the people living in various corners of the planet. Where it is hot, most of the year, there is practically no problems with the use of use - thanks to the warm climate, the exchange processes in the organisms of the South Yuzhan are in a completely different way. And there are so-called drinking nations - and the Russians, as it is sad, just belong to them. And since Russia falls into the risk zone, it would be nice to know some facts about the effects of alcoholic beverages on the human body. It will be not about instant consequences, such as a hangover syndrome - everything is simple and clear with him, namely on the results of its long-term use.

According to some doctors, alcohol in therapeutic doses relaxes, gives a good mood and strong sleep. But, first, uniform opinions on this issue did not have formed. And secondly, where did you see a Russian person who complies with the prescribed dosage? We are accepted to drink at first how much there is, then run in the store, and the traditional meeting can easily overlap everything drunk in the evening.

It is believed that the liver first "takes fire on itself." But this is not quite so - sweet and fat harm it much more crowns. The most vulnerable in alcohol excesses is the brain - it is most stronger than the destructive effects of alcohol toxins. For example, for each abundant videos with partial or complete memory loss, you will pay the destruction of a small section of the brain. And if the ministry of Bakhusu is your weekly (and maybe daily) tradition, then over the years, the active and workable part of the brain is inexorably decreased, it seems to be compressed. You are stupid, there is a gradual degradation of the person. The person himself does not notice such changes - it is impossible, for example, to see the process of his own aging, looking daily into the mirror. But the one who has not seen you for a long time, immediately notice changes.

The topic is sad, but adults, children, men, and women should be aware of the consequences of excessive use of hot drinks. Moreover, immunity against this terrible disease has neither a deputy, nor a businessman nor a usual clerk, or, even more so, the representatives of the weak gender. It begins gradually and imperceptibly - the face is very thin. A minute ago you owned a situation, and now it is unproduced by you and your actions. The consequences of the long-term use of alcohol are visible to the naked eye. And all the above - just dry and uncompromising facts. Just know and remember them, when next time you will gather drinking and eat. And on how to adjust the diet in the summer, read on my site. To find out about the trends of the current week will help my weekly astrological forecast.

June 5th. If you need something to complete and never return to it anymore, choose this Monday. Having provoked the change yourself, you are insufficient yourself from the surprises that could happen with you today.

June 6th. On Tuesday, try working less and relax more. You can seek help to influential people - will help, promote, facilitate the load of responsibility.

June 7th. The motto "The courage of the city takes" is very relevant to the environment - no time to sit away, wait and slow. Take the initiative to your hands and act resolutely. If you were not heard - tell me louder, be persistent.

June 8. Unlike the environment, today in achieving its goals and tasks will help you with refinement, politeness and good manners. Good fill out a day with a wonderful and eternal - go to the concert, to the theater or in the art gallery.

the 9th of June. Monday and Friday this week have changed places - today, for example, a great day to start big cases, you can go on travel, appoint important negotiations.

June 10th. Communicability and sociability can be very healthy to help you this Saturday. Express your opinion, initiate the conversations that you need - under the lying stone the water today will definitely do not flow.

June 11th. Go on trips, travel - both short and long distances. Going to noisy companies, go to visit - a relaxing holiday today is contraindicated.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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