Spring is coming: starting "repair work" of hair, faces and bodies


Taking off my hat

Beautiful, shiny, and most importantly, healthy, hair - hardly the main component of your image. You can get out of the house without makeup, but the chapels should always look well-groomed. This is an indisputable rule that should be observed, whether you are at least the English Queen, at least a housewife with experience.

So, after winter, hair needs if not in the intensive care measures, then at least in reinforced nutrition and moisture. Hoping in this sense on shampoos with various useful additives is not worth it. Still, their main purpose is cleansing. One of the few components that is added to the shampoo and which really works during washing, it is keratin. It helps to "patch" damaged locations. So when buying carefully read the labels. The main shock force is air conditioners, tonic, balms, masks and oils.

Air conditioners have an instantaneous effect, it is not necessary to rub them into the scalp, their task in the other is to make hair obedient and shiny. Masks need time, best of all, they work warm. The tool is applied to pressed wet hair, closed with a polyethylene cap and a warm towel and leave half an hour, and even more efficiently on all night (in this case, however, it is better to do it if your favorite is on a business trip, why is it injured by his psyche). Then the nutrient ingredients have more chances to saturate the curls by all the necessary substances. By the way, rubbing the skin and masks should not be in the skin too. They have a rather rich texture, and are intended for "work" directly with curls.

And certainly indulge your local oils. In terms of power and restore, they simply do not have equal. After all, they are mainly made of natural oils: argans, sea buckthorn, reurenik, avocado, almonds, grape bones and many others. Often, keratin, vitamins, which increases the effects of oils, is often part of the funds. And do not be afraid that in the end the hair will look fat. Nothing like this. You rub the teaspoon of oil in the palms, warming it, and distribute hair or apply only to the most tips. Some means of this kind can be used as a mask. Then, of course, the dosage should be increased. You can apply oil on dry, and on wet hair, as you like more. By the way, this is the perfect protection for your curls, if you use hot tweezers for curling or iron for straightening.

If the hair's hair is "falling out" the rapid autumn foliage, then you can diversify your "diet" with special healing means and tonics from falling out. They strengthen the roots, improve the hair structure and reduce the brittleness. And remember, the useful substances should be taken not only externally, but also inside. Without vitamin additives, fresh vegetables and fruits during the spring avitaminosis, just do not do. After all, our youth team affects not only the appearance of the hair, but also the skin.

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Return a blush to the cheeks, and the skin is capable of scrubs and peelings. Now the most suitable time is also for cleansing procedures for the face. After all, before the period of the so-called "active" sun, there is still far away when this kind of manipulation will be prohibited due to the risk of advent of pigment spots. So, there are two ways to get rid of dead skin cells that interfere with it not only to breathe, but also prevent the penetration of nutrient and moisturizing components of creams and sera. We are talking about mechanical and chemical peels. The first option involves the use of special brushes (by the way, it is an excellent massager for a person that enhances blood flow) for washing and scrubs based on large so-called abrasive particles. The second method of "cleaning" involves the dissolution of all extra, which accumulated on the surface. Usually, salicylic acid is coping with this five, which is included in the lotions of cleansing creams and tonic. It, by the way, has anti-inflammatory properties. In the means of "home use" its concentration of low, in the cabin you can make more serious peeling with its help or with the help of glycolic, fruit acids.

And do not neglect the peeling for the body. This is also part of your "spring reboot" and prepare for the season of short dresses and skirts. Good assistance in this sense sugar scrubs are provided. They will help not only remove dead cells, but also dissolve cellulite and align the skin. Large and dense sweet particles play the role of a massager, which improves microcirculation, and therefore returns the skin tone and elasticity. What we, actually, and strive, aren't it? You can also buy a special brush for the body and massage the stomach and hips when you take a shower or fragrant bath. Immediately after water procedures, massage movements apply aromatic oil or anti-cellulite cream to problem areas. It seems that this is a trifle - some ten minutes of massage in the morning and in the evening, but in a couple of weeks you will see the result. And he will probably like it.

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