First love - Love Last: Is it possible to carry some relationships after all my life


Entering the first relationship, almost all the girls are confident that this is love for life. Although scientifically proven that the brain of men and women works equally, still women are more inclined to dream about the ambulance and birth of children, and men are less likely to think about these sentimental points. It believes that every person has its own story - it is impossible to deny that there are couples who from an early age can live together all his life, but also advise everyone to carefully choose a partner and wait for the Prince all his life is also not worth it. Are you stronger with us? We are waiting for your opinions in the comments below.

Lack of experience

If your young man becomes the first one, with whom you are kissing, and then start an intimate relationship, you are guaranteed not forget it in the future. The lack of experience and the inability to compare with others will rather be a plus for young girls, as they will be able to assess the potential husband not to the size of the sexual organ, but according to other qualities - intelligence, the animation of the mind, the desire for making money and so on. In the early years, many women make a mistake, starting to criticize a man for inability to satisfy her in bed, although in most cases the problem will not be in it, but in them. Any intimate relationship is being built again - you can say what you want to get and how to give you pleasure, and not believe in the myth that the size really matters.

adolescent it is important to feel their appeal

adolescent it is important to feel their appeal


Fear of recreation limitations

On the other hand, in the unions of young people, in our opinion, the treason is more common. At a young age, not everyone has the ability to empathy and readiness to respond for their actions. Relationships are rather possible for unlimited experiments and rapid adults than conscious creating a union with a suitable partner. No wonder in the youth environment, humorous sketches are popular in a youth environment, where girls persuade each other to not kiss with other guys in a drunken state on "partings" - parties for adolescents, the main meaning of which in the use of alcohol and unrestrained fun of its effect. For guys who, in adolescence, without exception, they brag about their friends with their families, the situation is more acute.

Unstable goals and priorities

Ask teenagers, how many of them decided to decide with the profession? You will be surprised, but even by 18 years old, many of them are not ready to take responsibility for their lives and rely on the choice of parents, believing that all university life can be carried out carefree, and not work in the feet. There are exceptions, but they confirm the rules: usually closer to 25 people realize what they really seek and that will never be done even for money and recognition. For young people, it is difficult to experience a turning point in a relationship when their landmarks with a partner diverge - at this point they understand that parting will become the only way out of the conflict of interest.

Joint life not all on the teeth

Joint life not all on the teeth


Distance - interference

We can say that love is going through everything, but are people who are really able to endure separation from his beloved hormones? Some are sent to study in another city, others in the army. The distance is a hard test even for adults, and young people with infinite temptations in the form of fun parties where a variety of people gather, to resist violation of the vision of loyalty much more difficult. The only way out of the situation is after the release from the school to go and keep a joint life in order to check the feelings.

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