The strangest items confiscated from tourists


Usually at airports are a thorough check-in luggage check for dangerous explosives. At the same time, the security service is periodically bumping into unusual items that passengers are trying secretly to transport in hand baggage or rent in baggage.

1. Lipstock-electric shock

In the US, a woman has undergone a thorough check by the special services when he was controlled before planting a plane. On the screen, the customs officers highlighted a suspicious subject, and they demanded to open a bag. As it turned out, the woman tried to carry the electric shock under the guise of lipstick. And the voltage was not comic - 350 thousand volts.

what are just not found in the suitcases of our fellow citizens

what are just not found in the suitcases of our fellow citizens


2. Prohibited substances in a screwdriver

This case has already occurred in Russia. The man was detained at the airport and sent to the plot, as they discovered a screwdriver with a strange handle in his coat. As it turned out, in the handle from the instrument, a man tried to carry several grams of prohibited substances.

3. Head of the Sea Kitics

In the early 2000s at the airport of one coastal city in Canada, the most memorable incident took place in the entire history of its existence. Professor of the local institution just passed things, but still ended up in the hands of the police. And the thing is that the man tried to carry the head of the real sea cat. He explained the law enforcement authorities that he found a dead cat on the shore and cut off his head to use in class. However, the transportation of such items is prohibited in Canada, so the head was seized, and the professor remained with anything.

4. Dried insects

At the airport of the United Kingdom, a married couple was detained, which was returned from the journey in one Asian country. There were several kilograms of dried caterpillars in their baggage. According to the laws of Great Britain, insects are prohibited in any form, so the caterpillars confiscated and prescribed a fine to tourists.

always interest the list of subjects allowed

always interest the list of subjects allowed


5. Chameleon

And again the incident in English land. A young tourist from Dubai attracted the attention of airport employees with their unusual accessory. The fact is that a chameleon sat on the girl's hat. As it turned out, this kind of chameleon turned out to be very rare, so the girl had to pay the penalty and give the animal.

6. Dangerous comb

In the US, a woman detained before landing on the flight because of ... Combs. The airport employees alarmed a strange form of bone crest, so they had to delay the girl and find out what was wrong with him. And indeed, the comb was with a "double bottom", or rather - for several types of use. The fact is that a small dagger was hidden in the ridge handle. The girl was asked to pass it into the luggage and only then allowed to climb on board.

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