Errors in the upbringing that may be injured by the psyche


We all want for your child only the best, however, without noticing himself, please the little psyche of the baby. What mistakes makes every second parent? We decided to figure out.

You are inconsistent

Usually, people with an unstable psyche face with this problem, as a result, a child suffers from parent's mood. Moreover, many parents know about their unstable behavior, preferring to call their own impassableness "characteristics of character." The typical behavior of a mother or father in such a situation is the manifestation of tenderness, but it is necessary to occur in trouble, the parent instantly boils and takes anger on the child, who literally hugged and kissed. Control yourself in the presence of a child.

You lower the child's self-esteem

So that the child grew up with a healthy assessment of its own capabilities, parents need to carefully think through everything you are going to say, because even a casual abandoned phrase: "You are constantly doing everything." May be deposited in the child's memory, thereby causing him to believe in His helplessness, because the mother / dad thinks so. Try to make your communication with a child more positive, gently directing it if he suddenly makes a mistake.

Calm child - rare child

Calm child - rare child


You intimidate the child

An obedient child is a rare child. In a situation where the parent is not confident in his power, and the child ceases to obey, there are threats that have never been an effective method of upbringing. The worst outcome will be nervousness, the constant fear of doing something is not so, which will affect the future life of the baby, if you do not turn to a psychologist on time. Try to find other ways to help cope with the energy of the riot baby.

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