Why we are silent your body


Russian women most of them are ashamed of their body. Perhaps neither in any other country of the world women do not experience such awkwardness if necessary to remove clothing. We are silent not only men, but even women: those with whom we go to the gym, girlfriends and even relatives.

What is the reason for this attitude towards its height? Most likely, the eternal compare itself with the ideal. We can be in excellent physical form, but if our hips are almost wider than we want, every time we will mentally apologize for it before those who have happened to see us without clothes.

This attitude towards itself is largely dictated by how men react to the slightest flaws in the appearance of the ladies around them. Agree, you have repeatedly be heard as possessors of beer stomachs and curves of hairy feet ridicule someone cellulite or too long the second finger at the foot.

What can we do with this? First of all, to convince yourself that we are not obliged to be perfect that no one has given the rights to the same people with disadvantages to judge us for our features, and not be afraid to rely conform to those who decide to give us a friendly advice to lose weight or "freeze" the nose.

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