What will happen after a pandemic: astrologer forecast


In nature is not bad and good. Each process bears its purpose. Forest fire cleans. Predators regulate the number of herbivores. Hurricanes align climate imbalances.

By the nature of the activity, the astrologer is, first of all, the observer and researcher, he has no right to give estimates, occupy the position and allow the influence of emotions.

When the conversation comes on the consequences of a pandemic, the subconscious starts to draw black and red-brown paints the most terrible plots: costumes of chemical protection, hunger, zombies - what Hollywood has satisfied the already alarmed minds and hearts.

Cold light of the stars acts on the astrologer soberingly and reminds of the connection of the space with microscopic. The planets are not regulated by the invisible rays of the flashes of the virus. We are talking about more subtle mechanisms of influence, which since last century revealed and studied quantum physics well.

But we can navigate the planets as the clock. Their position does not give a person to forget: it is still part of the very natural biomashine, where has its own role and its place.

Pavel Andreev

Pavel Andreev

Photo: instagram.com/mylablife.

So, the first. Was it possible to predict?

Yes, and some astrologers did it, it was difficult to understand the nature of the crisis in advance, but deep structural changes in consciousness, state institutions and the economy were noticeably "from afar."

Second. Was it before?

Yes, in the area of ​​the First World War and Revolution in our country, then after the Great Patriotic War and at the beginning of the Cold War, even later - on the eve of the restructuring, when the Secretary-General was dying, the Berlin Wall and the former world order was collapsed.

Third. How much will it last?

We have passed the epicenter in March. By the beginning of June, the current voltage wave "dispersed". And a certain ringing place we will hear in December.

Fourth. Will it ever end?

Stability and calm are found in nature only in the grave. Life is distinguished by dynamism, constant changes. The crisis of the tonality-modality of the beginning of 2020 will be completed at the end of 2020.

But this does not mean that everyone can live as before. It is worth understanding that the current crisis is not a random outbreak of a random epidemic, it has many layers and underwater flows. The main viruses always live in thinking and behavior.

Fifth. What will happen in December?

Economic and political wave. The second coming of the pandemic personally seems to me unlikely. The economic crisis is associated with an objective recession and overheated markets. Unemployment in the United States at the level of depression of the 1930s, the sluggish Europe and quite a loosely recovered China, whose export economy has not yet managed to reorient for domestic demand, create an interesting balance of forces. I believe that it is still premature to talk about the death of the dollar and the transfer of the global financial capital from New York to Dubai or Shanghai, and technological - to India, but in the words of Pavel Durov about the sunset of the Silicon Valley there is a share of truth.

Sixth. What are the consequences?

According to the results of December, it will be visible. But we will see the next crisis format by the beginning of February 2021, and from this point in the growing waves will go (May-June 2021, December 2021). In the conditions of turbulence, chaos and uncertainty, our country has always published the leaders, waking out from sleep, went into a new reform cycle. This is not the second season of the Cold War, this is not the second coming of the 90s, but this is something completely new - the fact that no one knows until the end.

Planet Uranus, under the flag of which will take place 2021, always brings an update, technological renaissance, dissolving a unipolar dictatorship both inside individual countries and on the globe as a whole.

Seventh. What will we see in June?

New infocode:

- "Successful vaccine tests";

- "A sharp decrease in morbidity";

- "It turns out that they were misunderstood, IVL was not needed";

- "It turns out that an active lifestyle, sun, wind, work helps even better than quarantine";

"It turns out that it was hurt by the autumn of 2019, and the population developed immunity."

Following this, the usual rhythm will be restored by August, but not long.

As you know, there is no immunity better than a conscious life, a support for common sense, the ability to critically and freely think about your head, take care of physical and mental health.

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