What is in life Jamie Dornan - the seducer from "50 shades of gray"?


Jamie Danan Jamie was born in Golituda, just like that with one "l". His homeland is a small provincial town in Northern Ireland. Young Jamie dreamed of a doctor's career. However, thoughts about a serious profession had to be buried on a fairly unexpected reason: Danann was just a devilish well. Therefore, together a diploma about the end of the university (where he filed some hope), he had to pose for the best photographers in the world. "I don't say that I liked this occupation," he admitted many years later. - Well, think about what it is for a man for a man - to pose in front of the lens. But it would be stupid to reject all those proposals that I did. Agree: When you twenty with a little and you promise crazy money just for you standing against a background of some wall, - damn, and anyone will agree. "

In addition to the decent fees, this classes had another pleasant side. Jamie always surrounded beautiful girls model. With them, he was first and twisted for anything that do not bind novels. Until he met his first muse, who discovered him a completely different world. In 2003, the photo shoot for the film "Pedzhak" Danan met Kira Knightley, which was then very popular - the first part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea was just published on the screens. It is thanks to Kire Dananan began a career in the cinema: the generous beloved shared a personal agent with him.

Probably she soon spoke about his decision. Because it was from the filing of a new agent, Jamie received a role in the film "Maria Antoinette" Sofia Coppola - he had to play Fersen's graph, the lover of the Empress. The newly minted actor with such passion was given to bedside scenes with Kirsten Dunst (she performed the main female role) that Knightley suspected non-Ladnoye. History is silent, whether the novel by Kirsten and Jamie, however, was the fact: he came to the premiere of the painting already alone. By this time, they with Kira accepted a joint decision to part. To be more accurate, Dannan just gathered the thing and left in an unknown direction, throwing her beloved for goodbye that he needed more freedom.

And he enjoyed it on the full program. Paparazzi periodically laid out the next portion of the pictures of Jamie, where he was concerned with some Hollywood celebrity. So, at different times, he was attributed to love relationship with a strong Miller, Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss, Eva Mendez. As a true gentleman Dannan denied, but the photo was eloquent words.

And a few years ago, in the spring of 2011, the playboy suddenly married. Event This has passed absolutely unnoticed by a simple reason. His chosen, although occasionally and starred in the cinema, could not boast of world fame. Amelia Warner rather resected a cute housewife for which it is more important to feed the husband who came from the work than to get a role in the movies. It was thanks to her Danan was connected with another Hollywood actor - Colin Farrell.

Irish mark

Like Jamie, Colin Rod from Ireland. In addition to the origin, their relatives also love for beautiful and famous ladies. Almost all Farrell novels were fluently fleeting, but noticeable. Although the actor himself publicly did not advertise his relationship - they are also similar to Dornan. But no wonder the same paparazzi earn insane fees! It was they who at different times filled the actor that with the singer Britney Spears, then with the famous writer Emma Fores, then with Demi Moore, and then the most Angelina Jolie. Also on his list of love victories, Lindsay Lohan, with which I met and Danan was met for some time.

What is in life Jamie Dornan - the seducer from

Colin Farrel. Frame from the film "Save Mr. Banks".

And at some point, Colin has become a hero of pornographic sites at all: a frank video with his participation has got into the network. The roller was recorded back in 2003, when an actor had an affair with an enterprising, as it turned out the years later, the model Playboy Nicole Narain. These two were entertained by writing their bed entertainment on the camcorder. When the relationship ended, the homemade video from the filing Nicole became public. Farrell was outraged! He even sued the court demanding to remove the video, explaining this by the fact that this disgrace could see his mother. But people who know that they say: take off the film "50 shades of gray" in those years, the actor would be in the first ranks of applicants for the role of Christian Gray.

It is significant that in that year when the roller was recorded, the eldest son of the actor James appeared. His canadian model Kim Bordendeive. She did notice his hands and heart suggestions, although the Father Colin was always very attentive to his child. At birth, James has been diagnosed with an extremely rarely occurring genetic disease - Angelman syndrome. Such children, with external optimism and goodness, are very far behind the development - and physical, and intellectual. Only when the boy turned four years old, Colin found the strength to tell about this ailment. "We have long and painfully fought for his right to go. It was very difficult, and I still can not forget that amazing moment when James still made his first step. And those emotions that I experienced will not compare with any other. " In 2009, the actor was born the second son - Henry Tadeush - from the Polish actress of Alice Bahaled. Roman with her twisted on the filming of the film "Undina". Aliance also did not become Mrs. Farrell. They broke up one year after their son appeared. Freedom-loving Irish stated that he no longer wants to feel "knitted hands and feet", but promised to Aliance with all sorts of support in the education of the Son.

In 2011, the actor often saw with the singer Rihanna. From which the conclusion was immediately made: now she is the main contender for the role of legal spouse. But, like all the previous ones, this novel ended pretty quickly.

So today Colin Farrell is again one of the most enviable grooms Hollywood. True, he does not get tired of repeating that in the near future it is not going to marry. By adding at the same time that I am not less convinced by a bachelor. If only because it was already married. Just on our old familiar Amelia Warner.

Their wedding ceremony was very romantic. Young specifically went to Tahiti, where they gave each other an oath of loyalty by the ocean. In honor of the spouse, Colin even made a tattoo on a ring finger. But the marriage did not save: Farrell and Warner divorced just four months after registration of marriage: they got married in July 2001, and in November they received a certificate of divorce. "I was insanely in love with Amelia," Colin told in one interview later. - When I gave her a ring and offered my hand and heart, I was convinced: it was with this woman that I will spend the rest of my life. Alas, rather soon I realized that I was wrong. The feelings disappeared somewhere, as if they were not there. "

And only after many years, after a turn of the novels, he admitted that it still cares himself for parting with his wife. Not so long ago, in an interview with the British newspaper Daily Mail, Colin was discounted about his long marriage: "I was only twenty-three years old, and I was just scared - what kind of family can we talk about? I left, let her go. But now I live past. Memories about what was then with her. And you know what? Now I understand: I am a complete idiot. "

Unrelated bonds

Who is she, this mysterious Amelia Warner, which even years later makes you wander about her one of the most experienced Hollywood hearts? For some reason, many are confident that it is related to the very top of the elite of the American "Dream Factory". In fact, Amelia has no related links with the founders of the film studio "Warner Brothers". However, representatives of creative circles are still present in its pedigree. Her parents - English actors Alan Lewis (starred in three films, however, not even mentioned in the credits in the credits) and Annette Ekkl (although her name would not say anything to the Russian viewer, she was quite well known in Britain, played in Britain A total of twenty pictures). Amelia itself began to be filmed from nine years, but popularity received only after she moved from his native England to America, closer to the "Dream factory". There she met her second husband, Jamie Dornan.

As Jamie himself told him later, his beautiful hands were prevented in Amelia (his fetish in life), and also - the ability to tell funny stories. "You can't even imagine how sexy it is when a woman is a witty narrator. And my Amelia is just such. "

What is in life Jamie Dornan - the seducer from

The fact that Jamie Dornan became Mr. Gray, the Dakot Johnson was played by an important role. It was the first approved in the picture "50 shades of gray." And the partner was chosen so that he organically looked with her in a pair. Frame from the film "50 shades of gray

Wedding Dornana and Warner took place on April 27, 2013. And six months later, their daughter appeared. Just at this time, Danann tried to get into the role of a brutal seducer - the filming of "50 shades of gray" was complete, where the main female role was played by Dakot Johnson. Births passed away from the Hollywood bustle, at the homeland of the actor, in Northern Ireland. This choice, for someone strange, was actually justified. After all, Father Jamie is a gynecologist, and the mother - midwife. They took the birth of her daughter-in-law. And they helped at first with the baby. After all, Dannan, even if it arrived on a day or another, thoughts were still with the film. "Sometimes it took some perverted forms," ​​the actor confessed in an interview. - I remember how once in the evening I, as an approximate husband and father, kissed my wife and daughter, wished them a good night and - went to watch the Sado Mazo session, recorded specifically for me a film consultant. So that there were no shortcomings, I will immediately say: I didn't deliver pleasure, but it helped in working on a role. "

Shooting has long been over, Dannan reunited with his family. However, this pair is to test even more difficult - they need to survive that an unexpected stream of universal adoration, which suddenly collapsed on Dornan. After all, the film "50 shades of gray" is still long before the release on the screens made from the main characters of the real stars. Paparazzi was already opened on Jamie Dornan and Dakot Johnson a real hunt. Will this not be an obstacle in the family life of the Irish handsome?

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