Swimwear who do not like men


Whoever spoke to, women are dressing not only for their own pleasure, but also to like others, especially men. But often efforts do not bring the right effect: neither interested views, nor compliments. Let's try to figure out how to dress up to produce a positive impression on the beach.

First of all, you do not need to wear an overwhelmed swimsuit. If you have a design of several threads, look at you uninteresting. Everything is so visible. In addition, such an outfit can spoil the reputation. It is true and with regard to the too thin, transparent swimsuits.

Too frank swimwear scare

Too frank swimwear scare

Photo: Instagram.com.

But to get into the other extremes and acquire a bathing suit, which would be great for a monastica, not worth it. You will produce too puritan impression, men will be afraid to approach.

Do not try to visually reduce body volumes due to a close swimwear. Maybe in front of the mirror in it and you can stand beautifully, but when you are moving, somewhere there are no, no, and open the surrounding excess centimeters. Choose a swimsuit strictly in size.

Studs are good for a photo shoot, but not for the beach

Studs are good for a photo shoot, but not for the beach

Photo: Instagram.com.

Another important moment is the relevance of the image. If you go to the beach, your clothes and accessories should be beach. This is logical. Taking a branded leather bag with me and put on the legs of sandals on a heel, you will definitely go for individuals with oddities, and this is not necessary for you.

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