Oksana Akinshina: "Before Archila, no one was able to influence me so powerfully"


When nothing foreshadows the grand prospects, usually the same miracles happen. Binding in the most ordinary sequel family and an accountant in the working area of ​​Kupchino, Oksana Akinshina unexpectedly was captured by cinema and, that is noteworthy, not lost later, as many stellar children who flashed on the screen, and turned into a topical actress of modernity, whose name in the credits guarantees success. And if character is fate, then its crazy, independent temper has always attracted both significant directors and extraordinary men. All of this - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Oksana, you have already been filmed in a foreign horror, and now our domestic horror" Dawn "comes out on the screens of cinemas. What is the uniqueness of this project for you?

- The genre is interesting, the team is excellent, very friendly. True, I spent only three days at the site, but they were wonderful: in the cold, in the blood, in the mud, in the old building of the Moscow Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which was built even at the beginning of the eighties. For this story just right.

- As far as I know, there is a current plot: the fascination of modern people with numerous methods of consciousness changes. The heroine dies brother with mysterious circumstances, nightmares begin to torment it. Have you experienced something like this in reality?

- Once yes, I was pursued by panic attacks. It seems to me that every person in crisis moments faces something like that. And with severe internal experiences including. Moreover, people of our profession are impressionable, emotional.

- And the need for adrenaline is experiencing?

- And how! In bright emotions! Especially with my habit of self-digging and terrible perfectionism.

Dress, loїve; Earrings, Chopard

Dress, loїve; Earrings, Chopard

Photo: Anastasia Buzova

- Share, how do you save yourself from self-meditation, yoga?

- It's just completely alien to me. Some kind of nonsense. I do not believe in it. How many people saw deeply immersed in these spiritual practices, which in the crisis moments showed themselves at all from the best side. So it did not save them.

- Do you have to go into internal emigration, protecting against external factors?

- Yes, this is a precise definition. I have to do this under the pressure of different circumstances that do not depend on me. But I am essentially loner and need solitude.

- How important is it to be interesting to yourself as a person?

- This is the main thing, so it is often a rode, everything seems to be behind something behind. And it does not manage to kill at least half of my monstrous laziness. But at the moment I am in equilibrium, probably the energy-saving period now.

- Are you oriented to play in different genres?

- Of course. But the artists are still hostage hostages. You can dream of a wonderland role as much as you like, but agree to the film in the film about the war, because soon on May 9th. Now, by the way, Harrores were made in fashion - many for them are taken. In parallel, they are diluted with some patriotic films, as well as serials about love. Here I want some company to spend time on the sea, they take the script and fly it there to shoot ... just all arranged. For some reason, I basically work in less comfortable conditions. (Smiles.) But I was lucky - and I am not attached to any role.

- You have a happy biography in general. Curious what my favorite fairy tale was in childhood? "Cinderella" is very suitable for you, but it is unlikely that she.

- Rather, "Beauty and the Beast".

- Now you have the appearance of the Hollywood diva of the thirties, and did you feel the spectacular girl?

- Not. I was always thin, but what's attractive?!

- But now do you like to dress up?

- I'm not at all a shopaholic. For yourself, at least. Better buy something to children, some economic trivia, interior items ... So I have an economical hostess, I can save and keep all finance on clothes.

Suit, Girl Power; Earrings, Chopard

Suit, Girl Power; Earrings, Chopard

Photo: Anastasia Buzova

- Teenager you dreamed of being a veterinarian ...

"Yes, but even more wanted to be a military woman, walk in shape." With Demi Moore, then the film came out "Soldier Jane" ...

"But fate prepared you another way." You, twelve-year-old, noticed Sergey Bodrov and called in his film "Sisters", for which you immediately received the Prize of the "Kinotava". How did you remember Sergey? It seems to me that he was a reference man ...

- I would not have become idealized. He was discreet, a very closed man, but at the same time with a stunning energy - manil to himself. Of course, I was in love with him, he was good prince for me.

- You grew up the kid, who was friends with the guys and tolerant could not be female. This is true?

- That's right. And it is an extremely negative story for a woman. Right very bad. Girls should be princesses from the very early age, it is necessary to grow this female energy in themselves almost from infancy. Here is our two-year-old Emmy already coquette! If I began to recognize my femininity only after the birth of the second child, then she realizes its value since birth. Otherwise she is Akinshina, only Georgian. Emmy Gelovani - Absolute Hurricane!

- Daughter reconciled you with female?

- Yes, I was extremely intolerable. In female friendship never believed. My girlfriend appeared only in conscious, adulthood. And I am warmly related to her daughter, with which it is energetically very similar. But the range of ladies is small in any case. And with men in adulthood, it is difficult to be friends with men: this is either those with whom they once associated relationships, or those who want to join these relationships with you, and it is difficult to control the process. But if you discuss friendship at all, then I am not looking for new acquaintances - I have enough already existing. Any relationship, no matter how cool, require energy costs, and I do not have such potential.

- Here you say that you have a damage to you, meanwhile with your former lovers you stay in normal relationships ...

- Do you mean Sergey Shnurov? Journalists for some reason love to caring this long-standing story. Or Dmitry Litvinova? So we have a common son with him, our firstborn, nine-year-old Philip. First, we all are not fifteen years old to part enemies and no longer communicate. It is strange. Secondly, I am a logical man and reasonable, I can already understand in many situations without the help of psychologists.

- With Litvinov, you sometimes work together. And with the cord convene?

- Not. But I was recently at the concert.

- Do you like, in which direction does it develop?

- Honestly? Not. Although I observe and positive moments relating to some inner component of integrity. But it is unlikely that he will be listening to my comments.

- Somehow you beautifully said that with a person we parted when he was already solved and there is no desire to move on together ...

- The topic of breaks is painful. We are all growing, changing under the influence of other people who are found on our path, periodically arise any problems that allow you to better see who next to you ... Moreover, we are initially all confident that this person is the only one. I became much calmer, learned to quench the outbreaks of anger, some explosions of their fiery temperament. And if it's very frankly, then rather, the men who were nearby were changed.

- Preparing for an interview, I found that you have a foreign awards much more than domestic - the prize at the International Festival in Stockholm, the prize of visual sympathies as the best actress of Sweden, the Golden Beetle of the Swedish Film Academy, the European Festival award in Stuttgart as a young, Perspective actress ...

"I all got them for a long time and even I don't even remember this." Mom's at home they are all stored.

Dress and raincoat, all - maya om; Earrings, Chopard

Dress and raincoat, all - maya om; Earrings, Chopard

Photo: Anastasia Buzova

- You can compare the shooting process of Russian and foreign. What is the main difference?

- as removed products. Previously, the situation on the filming was very different, but now on good commercial projects everything is also very worthy - obviously more responsible attitude to work. But as for me personally, I don't care where to act: in domestic or foreign cinema, material is important to me. And I definitely not from those who will run through foreign castings. In those pictures in which I took part, I myself was called.

- Do you have free English?

- mediocre. I teach role, well, I can explain in everyday life.

"You have repeatedly admitted that a long time shooting was taken as proper and not immediately realized their buzz. When did the fracture occurred?

- In the picture of Valeria Todorovsky "Styles". Somehow, the total then everything was: talented people, the plot, the general situation ... and then on the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for the living "this feeling only reproached. There, the whole team was like one family, and this is for me just what is needed. I can only work with my own.

- You did not hide that the backstage cinema Wednesday was once disappointed with their intrigues, malice and envy ...

- Since then, a lot has changed: a new one, the younger generation appeared - and everything became somehow cleaner and more dynamic. That is, the very young has not yet reached the central circle, and the age and biliary have already come down from it. With such a given, gossip, disgruntled views disappeared somewhere, replaced by respect and some neutrality in relation to each other.

- The truth is that you do not complain about our gloomy reality?

- I still do not like these pseudo-Russian paintings. In my understanding, they should not be associated with the cinema of our country. Directors tritely exploit this comfortable and simple genre, showing everything bad. Alas, this product does not become less. It would be nice that in the future Russia is not Chernukha, but such tapes, such as "arrhythmia" Boris Khlebnikov.

- It is surprising that with your kind, you do not think at all about the director or the produce, but, on the contrary, argue that women who are torn to this sphere compensate for some failures in their personal life ...

- You know, I practically do not communicate with anyone from the cinema world, I have no close friends there, so that I am somehow attracted to him, therefore there are no grand plans in this direction. Naturally, there are capable people there, who without any social desire to self-esteem do something significant. Here Nagia Mikhalkov gathered her team, removed the debut tape "Plain Play". Good, solid picture. But this is a single case. And for the most part these women have no family, children - and they are looking for a way of application of their forces. And I do not condemn them. But in me, there is clearly little ambitions.

Dress, maya om; Shoes, Manolo Blahnik; Necklace, Chopard

Dress, maya om; Shoes, Manolo Blahnik; Necklace, Chopard

Photo: Anastasia Buzova

- Have you ever seen my wife and mom?

"Yes, and somehow imperceptibly quickly I have become a mother's three children, but in fact it turned out that the house and the farm is not completely mine. More precisely, so: I'm home, although I do not like to cook. But I love to restore order, perfect cleanliness. This occupation, by the way, perfectly affects the nervous system. So everything is great, but I must be sure that at any time I can get out of this state.

- That is, shooting perceive as escape from life?

- Well, if you want. When I'm a hostage in four walls and the end of the edge, this is not visible - I begin to go crazy. Naturally, it is starting to suffer from all around, my loved ones, and such agony, of course, cannot be allowed. Soon they will begin shooting in a full-length fantastic tape, and I have already woke up excitement. (Smiles.)

- Does not leave the feeling that from an early age, this world did not seem like a sunny, cozy nest ...

"He doesn't think so now." It is probably such, but I have not reached harmonious adoption. I still do not perceive it as a space that should enjoy. I am tormented by some permanent annoyance, something always missing ... despite that I am aware that this is such a warehouse of character and is the likelihood that everything will be satisfied for years to forty. The most important thing is that there was a person who would understand this my difficult inner world. Here is my husband just such. For eight years, that we together, Archil raised me in many aspects of being. I try to be a good wife. It became wiser with him, this is his huge merit. Before that, no one was able to influence me so powerfully. Actually, only two people are surprisingly thinly feeling the strings of my soul: the best girlfriend and he. (Smiles.)

- In one of the interviews, you said that for a woman it is valuable when she does not need to ask for her man ...

- And I still have not changed opinions. This is the basis of everything. Then the mind is already the mind, a sense of humor ... I once could not be captivated by hooligans, women, but it passed.

- What is unacceptable for you?

- lies. It just knocks me. I myself truthful and hate even a fleeting lie.

- And how do you need an indecision, inaction?

- Men are all distinguished by these properties. It came to the conclusion that they need to produce certain zones of influence. Moreover, I am a crazy controller - and has to restrain yourself. Husband, Svetra, I ask you to answer for a specific area. If you could not cope with your sector, then this is not my fault. (Smiles.)

- Apparently, you and your mother is not anxious ...

- Even cold-blooded - so formed. The bump, bruise or chopped leg is not frightened. Diseases of children also do not cause panic. Here Archil reacts more sensibly: Emmy will fall, he even closes his face from horror with his hands, and I go - I raise her. (Smiles.)

- Is your six-year-old son Konstantin on whom looks like?

- He is a real researcher, botan such! Fortunately, his brains from his grandfather - Academician RAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Probably, too will be a scientist. Coca - a rare child! It is rather intrigued by some stones, crystals, rather than sports. Can play football, but without much enthusiasm. Interested in history, music, easily speaks three languages ​​- Russian, English, French, than very dad pleased.

- Have you been friends with my mother, and with your children stick to a similar system of upbringing?

- I am categorically opposed to parents to be friends with children. They must be continued authority, support, advisors, but in no case are not friends. Distance is necessary. I basically rather strict. Perhaps my strategy of upbringing is not always correct, but from the point of view of wisdom to communicate with the younger generation, my husband balances me.

Dress, yanina couture; Shoes, Manolo Blahnik; Necklace, Chopard

Dress, yanina couture; Shoes, Manolo Blahnik; Necklace, Chopard

Photo: Anastasia Buzova

- Do you have bad habits?

"I smoked, but for eight years as I threw." True, here for several months gave slack, returned to a detrimental passion, but now it was finally thrown. (Smiles.)

- As far as I know, and they joined the sport. In the Swiss high-mountain town of Villar, where you live when you are not in Moscow, play tennis, right?

"I am addicted to this game and I already wait for you to wait for Andy's beautiful prepaner. (Smiles.) Actually, there is nothing to do in Switzerland. True, this winter I got up on the mountain skiing. In general, now I learned myself somehow calmly distribute between Switzerland and Russia, I had to build this system of relationships, because I live on two houses.

- Are you comfortable for a long time to be abroad?

- We are not talking about London or New Yor. Or at least about the seaside resort. Here I adore warm countries, but why the fate does not make me there. Of course, if one day I will find it in such a paradist corner, that is, the probability that I will not want to leave him. (Smiles.) But while we live in a magnificent snow-covered wilderness, where everyone comes to relax, so the situation is relaxed. I sit there in our chalet, I take the Son to School, I go to the supermarket for the products ...

- Environmentally friendly ...

- I do not follow it! It is clear that we avoid frozen semi-finished products and eat high-quality, homemade food.

- Do you have a hornyness exclusively?

- Genetically determined. I do not make any special manipulations on myself. I will not recline chocolate and algae in spa salo-na. Only manicure and pedicure do.

- And you still do not let alcohol, require a passport?

- Exactly. At first I swore, then laughed, and now I treat how to ordinaryness. Previously, the husband thought that I was playing it by these stories, and the other day we went to the store for a bottle of wine, and the saleswoman asked him at the checkout: "Do you pay it or your minor girlfriend?!" (Laughs.)

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