Cinema for the evening: movies that will raise the mood


Sometimes we plunge into the problems that we do not notice anything around. A long stay in a similar state certainly affects mental health, and therefore psychologists advise to find at least a couple of hours a day that you can spend on yourself. We believe that there is nothing better than to spend time watching a light film that will allow to break away from reality at least for the time to view. We offer a list of paintings perfect for these purposes.

"10 reasons for my hatred" (1999)

School melodrama that will not leave you indifferent. The story unfolds in a small American town where a strict father puts the daughter of Bianke the condition - she will go on a date only if someone invites her sister. The girl and her guy will have to try to make their plan on acquaintance with the stalling relative of Kat with the main school hooligan passed successfully. P. S. Young Hit Ledger will steal your heart after viewing, be careful!

"Mamma Mia!" (2008)

Musical, which will immerse you in the summer. Sophie is going to marry Sophie, but here's the problem - she wants to the altar to be led by only the Father, about which she does not know anything. From mother, she cannot achieve recognition, who is her parent. In a desperate attempt to learn at least something, the girl finds the record of his mother, where she describes the relationship with three men, each of which may well be the father of Sophie. We warn you that you really want to assemble the suitcase and go to Greece when the credits are completed.

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Who is Sophie's father?

Frame from k / f: "Mamma Mia!"

"Good to be quiet" (2012)

The history of this transformation is true, internal. Screeching Charlie enters the college, where grand changes are waiting for it - from a closed teenager, he turns into the "king of parties." Configure more comfortable with your second half and spend the evening with a great movie on the laptop screen.

Is it possible to turn from a loser in

Is it possible to turn from a loser in the "king parties"?

Frame from k / f: "Good to be quiet"

"We are Millers" (2013)

We offer lovers of unseensive humor to watching a comedy with Jennifer Aniston in the lead role. David's criminal misfortune receives a task, for the sake of the execution of which he has to contend his friends to play his family to successfully cross the border with Mexico. And if at first everything goes according to plan, being in place, the heroes are in an unforeseen situation, which will make each member of the "family" revise the relation to each other. We strongly recommend for viewing if your mood leaves much to be desired!

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Is it possible to play a happy family if everyone hates each other

Frame from k / f "We - Millers"

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