Anfisa Chekhova saves children


"Dressed in kindergarten. Total bow from Marc Jacobs. My aesthetic taste straight vibrates when I see all this designer beauty, of such good, comfortable fabrics, where all stitches are smooth, and each detail is thought out to the smallest detail! But I will say honestly, the toad stabbles all this, and even in a crisis ((but quite by chance, I found a way out, but rather entry into the school of children's brands ... now here we are joining the apricot ... "(here and then the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved - Approx. Womanhit), "said Anfisa Chekhov. Later, the star admitted that the issue with the purchase of clothes was also partially helped to solve friends." Anya, the wife of Timur Rodriguez owns a fashion store for boys. Incredibly stylish little things! Self-a gift. I am delighted ... Thank you, Timur and Anya for the magical gifts! "- thanked TV presenter.

The son of Anfisa Czech is wearing fashionable brands' clothing. Photo:

The son of Anfisa Czech is wearing fashionable brands' clothing. Photo:

A little later, Anfisa shared photographs from a children's party, which was held at her at home. Friends come to visit friends. The kids have fun, danced and played into doctors. Chekhov even removed the film "On Friendship and the Great Choice of the Future Profession" among the children, who she also posted on the network.

"Other! Solik adores these two-month)) Matvey and Sonya! So many games were, jumping, fun, fighting, hugs. Lepii, played the doctor, rode cars. The apartment seemed to be a foul. But moms and children are satisfied! When friends went out, Solik said that he would leave too and would live with them! He said: Mom and dad, while, "wrote tired, but pleased with Chekhov.

During the tour, Anfisa Chekhov asks for her son's pictures. Photo:

During the tour, Anfisa Chekhov asks for her son's pictures. Photo:

Anfisa is so trembling mom that can not spend without his child. Therefore, when she is on tour, then asks to send a photo of the son.

"In Krasnoyarsk 00.15 I go to bed! Although I do not want at all. This funny face flew from Moscow. I love to get his photo when I am far away from home. My cheerful baby, mixes me even at a distance! Have a nice day, evening or night P. S. Singing your questions ... On the neck of his Orthodox Georgian cross, "the TV presenter wrote in his microblog.

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