Anna Semenovich: "I realized that the work that prevents living, I'm tired of"


- Anna, last week on a page in the social network you have published your photo on which you look markedly. How did you achieve such results?

"I actively engage in sports that sat on a protein diet - in general, I am preparing for the summer season (smiles).

- What is your diet?

- The protein diet is directed to "dry" the body, remove excess water. As you know carbohydrates, especially fast, postponed in fat. And if we do not engage in sports and eat carbohydrates, then it is very badly affected by the figure. Now I eat mostly fish, vegetables. Very limiting yourself in sweet, eliminated potatoes, flour products. I can afford one piece of bearing garbage, only gray or black on the day. Excluded fully rice, pasta. In the morning you must eat oatmeal. And so I achieved visible results.

- How long do you live in this mode?

- Probably two months. Of course it happens that I break. I can go and run out of what it is impossible. But then I do not run this process. Usually how does it happen? Fucked - and rushed. Week Pour everything in a row ...

- ... And from Monday a new life.

- Yes! From Monday, a new life, and today only the environment and you can eat before the dump (laughs). Now everything is wrong. If I fell down - I ate the dessert or drank alcohol, then I take myself the next day. And unnecessary a couple of kilometers go on the track. I go: the old knee injury does not allow me to run. I have a walkway at home, doing every other day. When five, when seven kilometers pass, it depends on how long there is time. Plus, I make a small set of exercises to throw up the press, pull the thigh muscles, throw up the ass.

- Many will consider the feat of independent and regular sports at home ...

- I do not consider it a feat. It all depends on the motivation: you want to look good or not. If you want well, you should understand that lying on the sofa and by entering the calorie food, you will never become slim. Soon the summer will come and you need to put yourself in order. In winter, somehow you can hide extra kilograms on the sides under a wide shirt. But summer is short skirts, in handling dresses, swimsuits. So the motivation is one - the sun on the street, soon on the sea, you need to look good (laughs)!

This Selfie at one time endowed a lot of noise. Photo: Social networks

This Selfie at one time endowed a lot of noise. Photo: Social networks

"They say you started to actively lose weight and because of the new film project?"

In the fall are planned shooting in an interesting project. I will have one of the main roles. While nothing to disclose is right, but it is for these shooting that I need to put myself in shape. And I decided that I would not pull out and wait a few months, but I would begin to work much earlier, because you need to lose weight slowly. Tomorrow I flew to the Maldives, then in the Arab Emirates. I travel a lot. Therefore, I decided that it is better now than then.

- Traveling around the world, do you catch up during filming in the "lady and culinary"?

- Now many artists start a small season of the clutch. All new television projects will start by the end of summer. And now it is shown that already being pressed. I use this moment, I want to relax. Because from August it will start hot.

- Do not regret what you left culinary transmission?

- I can let go of the past. You need to live in today's day, here and now, enjoy every moment. I want to move forward and on. "Baryshnya and Culinary" - a wonderful project. Good luck with the new leading, Olekok Kokorekina - she is a beautiful girl. And I am waiting for a huge number of new and interesting projects.

- How do you managed to have time for shooting at your tense tour schedule?

- It was difficult. There was little time for a personal life. There was little time on ourselves. And I realized that the work that prevents live, I'm tired. Now I am in that condition when you want to live for myself.

- Did you know how to cook when they came to the program?

- absolutely not cleaned.

- Now probably surprise friends with your culinary abilities?

- Yes, now I cook well. Very grateful to the Misha Carpenter (culinary, co-host Anna - Approx. Red ), who patiently trained me everything.

- He learned from him some professional cooking receptions - quickly chop vegetables, for example, or throw pancakes in a pan?

- No, unfortunately, I did not master it. Vegetables with a knife cut rather quickly. But in me sits fear that I cut my finger. Probably due to the fact that he cut his fingers on the program several times. So I try not to rush. Pancakes I do not throw up, but I do it enough (smiles).

- Do you have a corona dish?

- I prepare a stunningly delicious salad with chicken and honey dressing. And I get very tasty fish cutlets for a couple.

- Share the recipe?

- With pleasure! I take two kinds of fish. For example, salmon and halibut and scroll into the meat grinder. I add greens, be sure to put dill and cilantro. I love kinza, it gives a specific taste, but you need to be very neat. If someone does not like kinz, then it is enough to put a little dill. I do not put in the cutlets bread. In the mince add protein without a yolk. Salus, pepper and drip some soy sauce, literally one spoon. And cake cakes, then put in a double boiler. Cutlets are dietary, very tasty and useful.

The singer shared the recipe for the appetizing kitlet

The singer shared the recipe for the appetizing kitlet

- Do you dream something to learn something, how did you get with cooking at one time?

"I gave myself an honest word that, by returning from vacation, I dedicated a riding exercise. This my dream since childhood. Always loved horses, but always lacked time on classes. I also want to learn English perfectly. Now actively engaged in the teacher. There was never at this time too. Everything was postponed and postponed, and now I decided that I don't want to postpone more. These are plans. I think that's enough enough.

- You are beautiful, talented, are known, still tasty cook - envy bride?

- I do not know - to envy or not. But I want to say that I am a stunning woman. So I consider not only me. And the man who is next to me is very happy.

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