Show in the kitchen: how online concerts entered our lives


Unfortunately, many of us plans for this year were broken too suddenly: someone planned a trip or wanted to celebrate a significant date in a big circle of friends. And if all this can be shown in the coming year, then visit the spectacular show will not be so simple. Many theaters smoothly switched to online format, broadcasting world masterpieces of opera and ballet from empty halls. As for cinemas, the cutting platforms for us are not news, so some of the films whose premieres were planned for the spring-summer 2020 simply transferred to the network. But with concerts things are worse - no one knows when we again find yourself pressed to the fence from the scene by the same lovers of the "living" sound.

Something new or did we have seen this somewhere?

It would seem that musicians and playgrounds remain waiting for permission to carry out mass events, and until this point, quietly sit in the "Instagram" and entertain your fans in all possible ways, as it does, for example, Johnny Depp, posting the video of a home mini concert from his estate On the southern coast of France.

But sitting and bored is not about people of art, especially when it comes to millions of loss. For several months, the artists have come to the virtual scene, so that at least somehow compensate for the torn live show.

The idea about the concert from the screen is not so new: even at the beginning of zero in cinemas, David Bowie concerts and Robbie Williams (which is interesting, Williams and now one of the first, who gives concerts in streaming mode). And yet, the video show differed from those who pass in recent months - Williams and Bowie sang before the full hall and in the record "not the first freshness".

With modern conditions, artists are forced to sit at best in an empty studio in front of the camera and mentally "drawing" the viewer. On the exchange of energy that occurs on the live show can not be speech. At the same time, not every artist is ready to put up with a stunning silence in the room: According to musicians, it is incredibly difficult to play and understand that in fact you play for yourself, let several thousand spectators sit on the other side of the monitor.

Where are the concerts from cinema halls?

In fact, people with a few interest go to sessions, where two hours are watching not just a film, but a musical show, and it was even before the door of cinemas closed before the latest viewer in April of this year. In the United States, a similar genre is called Concert Movie - something like recorded on the concert disk, but only you have the opportunity to watch it on a big screen with other admirers of a group of group or solo artist.

Naturally, emotions from watching a concert on the screen and received from the immediate "communication" with an artist in the hall of incomparable, and therefore the kinelands have to find ways to compensate: In the distant 1978, Martin Scorsese took off the music show of the popular group, but he gave a film not just in the form of a recorded concert , and made inserts from an interview with the group and allowed the viewers to see backstage.

Musicians have to be rebuilt

Musicians have to be rebuilt


What has changed today?

Surprise the viewer is becoming more complicated, and each musician understands that the record of the show can be easily found on video hosting, and therefore it is necessary to act differently. Once upon a change, speeches in the format of streams came to replace the long-lasting concerts. Both Russian and foreign artists quickly comprehected the difficult technical features of a similar format and the method of trial and error, let them be small and not such profitable, but still concerts.

Many fans of musicians found and pluses in such changes: for example, the fans of Robbie Williams could order their favorite hits live, which was impossible to imagine themselves on the "live" show. Communication with the viewer is an indisputable plus of online concerts, albeit such a necessary energy exchange occurs.

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