Nanny or grandmother: with whom to leave a child


After the birth of a child, you can not think about anything but your crumbs. However, time comes, and you need to leave the decree. And here is the question: with whom to leave the child?

The first thing that comes to mind is to ask to sit with the child the older generation, that is, grandmother and grandfather. The solution seems to be logical, but it is not always possible to implement it, because your parents or relatives of the husband may not be able to follow the fidget, or even refuse, if the relationship between generations are not the best.

In such a situation, young parents usually begin to look for a specialist - nanny. Many women in our country seemed wildness to leave the child to the care of someone else's person, but do not be afraid, the main thing is to choose a qualified specialist who will not be difficult to take care of your baby while you are not at home.

No one will be so sincere to relate to your child like a grandmother

No one will be so sincere to relate to your child like a grandmother


In both cases, there are posses and cons that we will talk about.

Let's start with loved ones, namely, from grandmother. It is important to understand how much your relative is ready to plunge into your rhythm of life. After all, child education is hard work so that they say. This can be called full-fledged work, and if the grandmother already works, she will be like not easy to combine. Therefore, the first thing to ask the grandmother - not a day before you go to work, but strongly in advance - whether it is ready to do up.

It is important to take into account the attitude of the grandmother. If you ask her to help, but it agrees with obvious reluctance, I hardly have mutual understanding with the child. When a person does not want to do one or another, he begins to be angry and do everything else. Do you need such an attitude to the child? Well, if the grandmother agrees with joy, it can be said that the problem is solved.

Of course, grandmother is much more reliable than an unfamiliar person. You can't predict how another woman will behave with your child, albeit with extensive experience. No one's a person will treat your child with the same trepidation as a loving grandmother.

In addition, if the grandmother agrees to sit with the child for free, it will help preserve and so fragile budget of a young family. Even if you and you will pay, the amount will be at times less than the payment of a professional nanny.

Take carefully to choose a nanny

Take carefully to choose a nanny


The most important minus, with whom you may encounter, confusting the child with grandmother, is a different look at the child's raising. Agree, it is difficult to demand something from a person who sits with a child free. In addition, the grandmother will bend his line, claiming that her experience exceeds yours. In such a situation, it is difficult to defend your opinion.

Grandmothers love to indulge children, so there is a risk that your child, who cared her grandmother all the time, will grow out of independent. Correct case: Grandma wants grandson to show more initiative and decisiveness, for this she constantly criticizes him and indicates disadvantages, mistakenly thinking that his actions will bring confident man. Think whether you are ready to put up with such glances?


If the grandmother does not work out, young parents start looking for a nanny. What is important to consider: first, the formation and age of potential nanny. Perfect if the nanny did not work in kindergarten: it speaks of her stress resistance. If your baby is movable, choose a younger woman to cope with an active child.

Promotional nanny advantages

Unlike the grandmother, the nanny comes with you into consumer money, which means that you have the right to demand the amount of quality that is counting on. You will no longer have guilt and constraint, as it could be with a grandmother who made you a favor. Your roles with nanny are clearly divided: you give instructions and pay, it is, in turn, performs them. Everything is simple. In addition, it is easier to agree with the nanny, again, thanks to commodity-money relations.

Ask friends - maybe they will advise good nanny candidacy

Ask friends - maybe they will advise good nanny candidacy



No matter how gently treated nanny to your child, she is a stranger in the house. Yes, and you do not always know who a new person will be, let her be at least a hundred recommendations from previous places of work. You can reduce the risks by contacting the help of children to friends with children: Suddenly someone has a good specialist at take.

Hire a nanny - it means to hang additional costs. Any good specialist is expensive, so be prepared to spend carefully. It is definitely not worth saving on the health and safety of your child.

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