From the incubator, but no longer chickens


"Our goal is to teach the guys creatively thinking and find ways to achieve conceived," says the head of the project business incubator Viktor Malinin.

- Do you accept everyone without exception?

- We have several conditions. The first one should learn in MSTU or be his graduate. The second - the incoming must have its own business idea. Well, for example, the creation of an original computer program, which teaches first-graders to write well in the crop. In general, we are selected the most promising guys and begin to train them three times a week after the main lectures and seminars.

- How are classes are built?

- Classes consist of a course of lectures of famous businessmen, both domestic and foreign, psychological training and practical exercise on their own business. After all, ideas in the head can be very much, but the trouble is that we sometimes cannot bring our ideas to a real incarnation. And in our incubator, the guys get the necessary legal knowledge, learn to build relationships with potential investors.

- Why do I need psychological training?

- In order to help the future leader to overcome stereotypes, teach him to think positively, to be aimed at success. Some business lessons are taught by world-famous professionals. Here recently a lecture on how promotional business will develop, Baumans, read the vice-president of the famous telephone company on strategic marketing Garad Johnston. "Advertising in the near future will be more aimed at a particular person, says Johnston. - For example, there is a flight from New York to Luxembourg of a particular airline. Your task to plant the passenger is on him. To do this, in social networks of the Internet, we will seek a potential group of people who need to fly through the specified route in the near future, for example, on an advertised in advance of the jazz music festival. It may be the musicians themselves or their fans who communicate in special forums. " So, by "spying" or "overhearding" the goals of specific people, advertisers will point point, individually direct their suggestions.

- Will there be an advertising business in this way to violate our personal space?

- Do not want you to "eased," do not "say" about your plans for all, on any general forums on the Internet. Personal correspondence in this case will remain unattainable for advertising scouts.

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But back to the "business chickens". After graduation, they need to protect their project, which then goes into life and begins to work independently. The best graduates were looking for sponsors as a reward. However, from this year the form of the competition has changed dramatically.

"The final exam was replaced by an innovative session," says Malinin. - After all, what is the exam? Lottery, where one was lucky more than another. And it's not a fact that the project remaining overboard is actually worse. It happens, the competing speaker simply kept confidently, spoke louder and therefore I liked the jury's members more ... How to be? We have added another preliminary stage - now experienced engineers and economists (our former judges) become the participants of the team, in one conjunction with graduates they carefully disassemble each project and help improve it to this business offer. And in the jury, it is now sitting ... those most potential investors! The participation of serious specialists in the development of competitive business plans gives investors a guarantee that they will invest in an obviously successful project.

Earn on the stadium

Now let's get acquainted with those who have already passed the school of Triymp. Alexey Noniashvili finished her two years after the protection of a diploma in MSTU.

- What kind of idea did you have?

"I suggested a multifunctional stadium at which football matches, and rock concerts and fairs could also be held. There are very few people now. Owners of football fields are forced to refuse to organize other events due to a capricious herbal coating. It can not be argued by covering all sorts of flooring, he needs a timely watering, heated, etc. As a result, it turns out that the huge area of ​​the stadium "works" about 40 days a year, only on football matches. This is very unprofitable. So I suggested the way out: I developed a platform, which will not rely on a natural lawn, and how to hang over it with air-painted structures. Despite the seeming ease, it will be able to withstand a load of 500 kg per 1 square meter. This means that he will be able to "hold on herself" and the auto show, and the rink, not to mention exhibitions and theatrical ideas. The most interesting thing is that under the coating during these ideas will occur their life, the life of herbal lawn with automatic irrigation, maintaining the optimal temperature.

Miracle Stadium Alexei Noniashvili.

Miracle Stadium Alexei Noniashvili.

From the incubator, but no longer chickens 38847_2

From the incubator, but no longer chickens 38847_3

Do you think that such as Noniashvili is more and you will not ourselves? Mistake. Another graduate of the business incubator, Arthur Shayhutdinov, also first created one business, and then on the profit began to create another. But everything is in order. Studying in his native Baumanke, Arthur created an online store is a multi-storey store for the buyer who needs to immediately make a lot of purchases in one place. You need to make repairs in the apartment and buy everything for this - from plumbing to wallpaper. In order not to dangle through the construction markets, it is enough to enter the site and set the search parameters for the price, quality, firms. Your own web application is the work of Arthur and the members of his team - very quickly manages 15 thousand products on the site. It remains only to choose what you need, put everything into the virtual "basket" and order delivery to the house. Earning about 500 thousand rubles at the store., Arthur, everything before a penny invested in a new innovative project - "Copenter Terminal".

- This is an automatic self-service, containing a personal computer and a copying device, explains the graduate of the business incubator. - The idea of ​​his creation came to me by itself. Somehow in 2008 I was sitting at the university. Time approached 9 pm, I really wanted the teacher to take my laboratory. And he was ready to do this, there was not enough printed drawing. I run into the street, but there all the points of printing are already closed ... I had to come to the teacher next time. "Well, no, so it won't go," I thought, "it's much better to have a printed terminal directly at the university, which is called, at hand. And so that you can use it yourself, without an operator, as an ordinary payment terminal, at any time of the day. " Something similar exists in Moscow, but those devices are equipped with only a copy system. Our own, consisting of two towers, combines several possibilities. In the left tower there is a monitor, keyboard and a bill acceptor, in the right - copier. Very convenient, download from the Internet or from the flash drive, everything you need, and immediately print.

The experience of the former students who are already dreaming about global projects and are not afraid to compete in the market with mastitis businessmen, can be an example for everyone. Of course, sitting and collecting arguments against the opening of your business easier and safer ... but is not better to take and create a matter today. Down and Out trouble started.

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