Irena Ponaroshka: "There is nothing better to strengthen the family than the constant business trips of one of the spouses"


- Irena, do you work on the canal for moms, which, probably, helps you to be mom and for the scenes?

- Sure. Before that, I had no idea about many things, but now I focus on all special terms that accompany Mama life. And even feeling superiority over your colleague Sasha Gingerbread, which is twice dad. Still, moms get to the essence of the process, whether it is a breath of the baby, the purchase of breastsos or the choice of kindergarten or school. I am the same meticulous mom, like those sitting on the forums. Now thanks to the program I lead, I manage to communicate with every guru of the parent and parental business. So pumping your maternal qualities.

- And even you know how to do everything and at work, and at home?

- On this score there is a joke. To the question: "How do you manage to do everything?" - The answer is simple: "I can't manage." Not everyone I have time. I would like, of course, so that in the days there was at least forty hours. I do not have time to go to the fitness club, I do not have time to get enough sleep, I do not have time to spend time with the child as much as I would like, I do not have time to nurse your husband, who also wants caress and attention. It does not work all the way it looks like in my "instagram".

- By the way, your fans love to discuss your daily life on social networks. In particular, some confuse that your son wears long hair ...

- Just the hair grew up and grew up ... We like it so much, what our seraphim looks like that we do not want to cut it specially. It happens that he is often accepted for a girl, but he has been standing at his very infancy and immediately reports that he is a boy. And reports it even before they are trying to ask, not a girl he. So that there were no questions. We have friends, adult young people with long hair. He sees that guys also wear such hairstyles, and his hair does not cause questions, he is proud of them.

Irena Ponaroshka:

"All my fitness is the right foot on the gas pedal," admits a ponaroshka. Photo:

- In whom Seraphim is such a brisk?

- I can not say that he is someone's copy, Seraphim - an original personality. He has my features, and dads. On the one hand, he is very pedantic and loves the structure - so that everything stood strictly to the north-west, for example, if he puts the soldiers, and on the other - he is unreasonable and often leaving the started. And it is basically typical by boyish toys - robots, transformers, pirates. The worse - the better. Such is his policy.

- Bully toys?

- We have a mother - an evil policeman, and dad is kind. He brings plastic packages every day. And I almost do not exude in children's stores. So the dad provides all the entertainment material, and I already endorse the packages on the playground and distribute neighbors and friends.

- Your family moved out of town. Why did you make such a decision?

"When we gave birth to a child, I went out for the first time to walk with a carriage in the area of ​​the Park of Culture and realized that I absolutely can not go anywhere. It was an early spring, circle of slush, huge drifts, parked cars, brave all sidewalks. I could not call this stroller in any store, nor by mail. And I realized that walking in the center of Moscow is just torture and for mom, and for a child. And at first we removed the house outside the city, and then they began to slowly build.

Son of Irena Ponaroshim Seraphim for four years. Photo:

Son of Irena Ponaroshim Seraphim for four years. Photo:

- On the Internet still discusses your epic with the construction of the fence. It is known that you have become a victim of a deceiver who took the money and did not build a fence. At the same time you wrote that you are going to forgive him. Forgiven?

- No, there was too deep offense. We have been waiting for half a year that it will start working. Thus, the voltage was injected. At the moment I had to write a statement to the police on the fact of fraud.

- What time did you do this behavior of the builder?

- The cost of work under the contract is about 160 thousand rubles, plus a penalty of about 800 rubles per day was prescribed there. And for these six months, it came to a little less than 150 thousand. Taking into account the materials that were delivered, but they spoiled for the winter, net damage is about 200 thousand. This is a very unpleasant story, and I advise everyone to contact builders only on the recommendation of friends and check all the documents through the tax site. You see, we are talking about two weeks of work. In principle, the situation is not worth the egg. But as a result, we were left for the winter in a unguarded settlement without fence. We lived with a child in this house. And imagine: winter, at four o'clock in the day already dark, near the forest, guests from all former republics of the Soviet Union. He knew about it, but did not do anything. It was very difficult on his part.

- You did not try to attract the spouse of Alexander to this story to figure it out on male?

- I had to hold it, because he even wanted to solve the issue in the style of the 90s. But I decided to do all this exclusively by law.

- If not a secret, what does your husband do?

- He is DJ, lives with music. Every weekend leaves for tour. This is an already familiar schedule for me. And in general, I think there is nothing better to strengthen the family than the permanent business trips of one of the spouses that allow you to miss and look at each other with a fresh look after the trip.

Husband Iren Ponamushka DJ sheet. Photo:

Husband Iren Ponamushka DJ sheet. Photo:

- Irena, on his social network page you constantly please fans by photos in seductive outfits, which emphasize all the advantages of your figure. Share secrets of slimness.

- I think that in the first place it is genetics. Thanks to my mother with dad. Well, and secondly, I already like eight years of vegetarian and try to eat right. There are vegetarians who eat exclusively bread, fruits and nuts and from this are harmonious. I have a regular meal rule - every 2.5 hours. I try to control the amount of sweet. I can not live without him, but a maximum of one cupcake per day.

- It turns out, sport bypass you?

- We spend three months a year in Thailand. There we are fine with sports. We walk a lot on foot, we swim a lot. And Moscow is such a city in which I all live in the car between the cottages, shooting meetings. All my fitness is the gaze right foot on the gas pedal.

- Pretty tedious, by the way, occupation. How do you like to relax from him?

"We love with her husband to cover the plaid and watch some TV series on a laptop." Although in general I am a pragmatatic by nature. If we are riding a bike, then on certain routes. Through Sberbank, dry cleaning or bun. The husband laughs all the time. But I can not in a different way.

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