We are planning a vacation - buy a tour in advance or wait


Spring will come soon, and behind it summer is the season of vacationing of most Russians. Recreation planning, especially if there are children in the family, takes away a lot of time and nerves. Yes, and the budget has to form in advance to have enough money and on the tour, and on the purchase. It's no secret that the early purchase of the tour helps save 10-15% of its ultimate cost at the time of departure, but is it always worth it?

What to do in advance

If you have at work, employees should warn the head about the planned vacation more than two weeks, and better - for six months, then the option to fly through the "burning" ticket should be discarded. However, you can plan an independent trip or buy a tour in advance. We advise you to take leave for October-November or March-April - This is a month with the most favorable prices for flights and hotels, since the Russians have no holidays on them, and many can not fly on vacation due to students of children.

take vacation is not so easy

take vacation is not so easy

Photo: Pixabay.com.

When you know accurate holiday dates, go to the selection of the country to relax. Here the solution depends on the financial capabilities, such as rest, which you like is calm or active, as well as preferred air temperature and other factors.

Where better to go to a certain season

Where better to go to a certain season

Table: Parfenova Ksenia

Buy train tickets and plane

International airports are located in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Krasnodar, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, etc. It is not necessary to depart abroad only from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The early purchase of railway and air tickets will help you to save about 20-30% of the final cost. Often the airline lay out promotional offers for the next season than you kill two hares at once - you have time to place a visa and save money.

  • Take advantage of air ticket search engines - see where the cheapest flights are from your destination, calculate the approximate cost of tickets.
  • Go to the official websites of airlines, check the tickets there, often their price will be lower.
  • To find the most advantageous offers, subscribe to groups for travelers in social networks - administrators check the cost of flights in Russia and abroad. In the comments, you can chat with more experienced travelers and find out if you should buy a ticket now or wait a bit.

The earlier buy tickets, the cheaper they will be

The earlier buy tickets, the cheaper they will be

Photo: Pixabay.com.

To travel more profitable

Each person chooses a comfortable recreation company for himself - one like spending time alone with me, others prefer to relax with the second half or the whole family. Statistics show that the most profitable offers are going to those who are resting together - they divide the cost of the room, transfer, service charges and taxes. If you relax alone, be prepared, what the hotel has a hotel as two people. Traveling with children also costs the following - up to 3 years Flight without a selection of places is free, after - for the full cost or at a discount no more than 20%, the hotel under 3 years is also not charged; the child is 4-12 years old give a discount 30-50% , older than 12 - price as an adult.

Summing up, we note that most of the planning depends on your work and the availability of existing documents - passport and visa. If you can save on vacation a few days before departure, then you have every chance to get to a profitable "burning" tour. The rest we advise you to plan holidays in high season - the end of the spring, summer and the beginning of the autumn - in advance, buying tours 3-4 months before the trip, and tickets, if possible, for six months, or by spring and autumn sales of airlines.

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