Black List of Folk Recipes Beauty


It turns out that even natural ingredients can damage. So, lemon juice applied to the pigment speck, not only brighten it, but also make the skin dry, deprive its immunity. In addition, lemon can cause allergies that will deliver much more inconvenience than the stain with which you wanted to fight.

This does not mean that lemon cannot be used in care. Extracts from this fruit are part of many factory cosmetics, but they are contained in safe concentrations.

Add skin problems can also soda. Peeling from it, maybe remove the black dots, but it defjecteds the skin so much, which can cause the appearance of wrinkles. Having lost its protective film, the skin is often covered with rashes.

It is not necessary to absorb the skin and sugar. The sharp edges of the unattended sugar particles can injure the skin, spoil the complexion and cause inflammation.

To smear pimples of toothpaste We also do not recommend. This product is too aggressive, so after its use, instead of acne on the face, scars remain.

Holders of dry skin must forget about such humidification means as mayonnaise. He will not moisturize anything, but only make the skin more greasy and score pores.

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