"Sweet woman"


In the sixties of the last century, the writer Irina Velembovskaya was a real favorite of the public. She was called "Shukshin in a skirt." Her books were sold in enormous circulations and translated into foreign languages. It is clear that the cinema could not pass by: Velembovskaya offered to write a script for her own story "Sweet Woman."

Scene lines and emphasis in filmceneuria were somewhat different than in the book. But the essence remained the same. The film "Sweet Woman" - another variation on the topic of conquest of Moscow. Only in this case, the provincial Cinderella, having achieved all of what was so dreamed of in his village (work, apartment, material well-being), can not find the main - ordinary family happiness.

To put the picture was instructed by the director Vladimir Fetin, who, after the noisy success of the comedy, the "striped flight" suddenly became interested in the life-in-law of Russian women with a strong character. And it turned out it, it must be recognized, penetrating. It must be because he found his muse - in life and in the cinema. For many years was the actress Lyudmila Chursin.

Frequently shooting was carried out right on the streets of the city. Fetin was a man's man, trusting empty buckets.

Frequently shooting was carried out right on the streets of the city. Fetin was a man's man, trusting empty buckets.

Operator Semen Ivanov (in the photo - behind the camera) was a veteran of Soviet cinema. It was he who saw in the actress not the Custodian young lady, but a graceful attractive person.

Operator Semen Ivanov (in the photo - behind the camera) was a veteran of Soviet cinema. It was he who saw in the actress not the Custodian young lady, but a graceful attractive person.

They met in 1964 on the set of the painting "Don Tale". Lyudmila was still studied in theatrical, and Vladimir, being for sixteen years older, was already a mast director. She became an innocuous Galage for him. Fetin even picked up the paintings so that they brighter show the beauty and talent of the wife-actress, "Virinia", "Love Yarovaya" "Open Book" ... So this time, after reading the script "Sweet Women", he already knew who would play the main female role.

Suitable rural landscapes directed in the Leningrad region. There all the film crew went there.

Suitable rural landscapes directed in the Leningrad region. There all the film crew went there.

Change of composition

It is with the calculation that Lyudmila Chursina will be "sweet" heroine, actors were selected for men. Almost immediately was approved by Peter Veliamenov, who in those years was on top of glory, and all thanks to Valery Uskov and Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Vladimir Krasnopolsky, and Vladimir Krasnopolsky "Shadows disappear at noon." An amazing fact: the actor who left all his youth in the camps (the sixteen-year-old boy was arrested on charges of participating in the anti-Soviet organization and kept nine years and nine days), the images of the military often embodied in the cinema. So in the "Sweet Woman" Fetin entrusted Veljamin the role of a front-line husband.

Another significant male image is a Tikhon intellectual, who has sobbed by Anna, - the director decided to offer Vladimir Vysotsky's insanely popular in those years. However, I had to spend a lot of time and time to call the actor to the film processing: Vysotsky starred from Alexander Mitta in the film "Tale about how King Peter Arape was married" and played in parallel in the theater, so he was painted every day literally on the clock.

Nevertheless, Vladimir Fetin showed an extraordinary perseverance, and in the end, Vladimir Cemenovich arrived in the city on the Neva. FilmProbes turned out simply stunning. The entire film crew was delighted with the new image of the famous actor.

In the archives of Lenfilm for a long time, the director of the film studio was kept with the leadership of the theater on Taganka. It was just about Vysotsky.

"Dear Yuri Petrovich! Film Study "Lenfilm" began the production of a new color widescreen film "Sweet Woman" in the formulation of the director V. Fetin. The Art Council of the Studio for the role of Tikhon approved the actor of your theater Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. We kindly ask you to resolve the actor V. Vysotsky to be filmed in the film from January 4 to May 26. Total shooting days 17. The actor's shooting schedule will be consistent with the directorial control of the theater in advance. "

December 16, 1975 At Lenfilm from the theater on Taganka, the answer was gone: "The leadership of the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka does not object to the shooting of the artist of the theater V. S. Vysotsky in the movie" Sweet Woman "directed by V. Fetin on a film studio" Lenfilm "from January 4 to May 26, 1976 in free from the main work time."

And then it happened unexpected.

Vladimir Vysotsky, once again reviewing his schedule ... He himself refused to participate in the "Sweet Woman." However, the actor has already stretched the train of an unrecognized genius, so some biographers hurried to write: they say, Vysotsky "defeated" officials "Lenfilm", forbidding the image of a real intellectual on the screen. As you can see, this correspondence is clearly refuted: from the letter it follows that the candidacy of Vladimir Semenovich was already approved on the film studio, and Yuriy Lyubimov did not object to the participation of the actor of his theater in the upcoming production ...

Oleg Yankovsky.

Oleg Yankovsky.

Vladimir Vysotsky was already approved for the role, but he himself refused to filming. Tikhon became Oleg Yankovsky.

Vladimir Vysotsky was already approved for the role, but he himself refused to filming. Tikhon became Oleg Yankovsky.

Well, Vladimir Fetin had to urgently look for another contendent for the role of Tikhon. Finally, Oleg Yankovsky was approved after numerous samples. It seemed that the main cast was assembled. You can start shooting. And here the director expects a new surprise. An even more stunning than the refusal of Vysotsky. The main character was refused to participate in the picture - his spouse, incomparable Lyudmila Chursin.

After the film "Sweet Woman", many spectators were confident: Yankovsky and Gundarev and in life tie a close relationship.

Although at the time of shooting Gundareva was only 28 years old, she played in the film and a completely young girl, and a mature mother of an adult son.

Although at the time of shooting Gundareva was only 28 years old, she played in the film and a completely young girl, and a mature mother of an adult son.

Anna on the neck

Explanations of Chursina were quite logical: carefully reading in the script, she realized that this role was simply not her. And - the case is rare! - herself suggested trying young Natalia Gundarev.

But here Vladimir Fetin doubted. After all, the actress needed, firstly, to spend the heroine from the young girl, who has all life ahead, to quite mature ladies. Secondly, to show Anna Dobrochotov, with her flexible inner world, still in its own way attractive, to cause the viewer without hatred and contempt, and pity. And Gundarerev then did not play major roles, and no one knew her potential. There was another reason why the director was afraid to entrust the role of Natalia. According to the scenario, the "sweet woman" - the person is very pretty. And he did not consider himself even himself Gundarerev. After all, she, engaged in young years in the theater studio, did not even think about entering a professional scene. "Alas, I don't have the most suitable texture. In the theater, after all, you always need a young beautiful heroine, and I am a complete, loose, hesitated, "then I remembered Natalia Georgievna about myself those years.

Did not add confidence and debut in the movies. After the release of the film "Hello and Farewell!" (It was in 1972) Gundareva confessed to colleagues: "This is a full nightmare! The screen has not yet come up with my power to put! "

That is why when she was called with Lenfilma with a request to come to the film to the film "Sweet Woman", she ... resolutely refused. "Have you seen me in my life?" - Directly asked Gundareva at the director's assistant. "It doesn't matter, we advised ..." - they answered at that end of the wire. "No, it is important, it is very important," the actress was adamar. "Because, as I think, I hardly come up."

She then was simply afraid that after a personal dating the director would refuse her. "Still, because of my, let's say, certain external data reveal to me a major role. It was hope that, maybe I will take me to some funny comedy episodes, because the texture was juicy, magnificent, Custodievsky, pretty bright ... But here's the main roles - it is unlikely, "as if justifying, she admits Later the reason for its sharpness.

Natalia Gundarereva.

Natalia Gundarereva.

"Sweet Woman" was supposed to be Lyudmila Chursin, but in the end, Natalia Gundarereva played Anna.

However, the Assistant for actors did not discourage such a dialogue at all. "Let's come to Leningrad, we will get acquainted personally. In any case, even if you do not suit this role, the director Vladimir Alexandrovich Fetin will also have others in the following paintings ... "

And Gundareva went to pack the suitcase. In fact, she madly wanted to play in this film. In addition, in the Mayakovsky Theater, where she was invited immediately after graduating from the school and who she considered her hometown, the bottom pause came.

Peter Veljamin spent almost all the youth in the camps. However, later, it was him that he got the roles of front-line and men positive in all respects.

Peter Veljamin spent almost all the youth in the camps. However, later, it was him that he got the roles of front-line and men positive in all respects.

Therefore, she completely posted on the film. And her "looting" was recognized as shiny. Literally the entire film crew was perplexed: where did some shipping and these ill-fit kilograms, because of which the actress was so worried? A completely different woman arose in front of the camera: light, elegant, graceful and incredibly attractive.

And after a long random, Vladimir Fetin decided to entrust her main role. Gundareva recalled that, having learned about his statement, she experienced a real "puppy delight." Energia beat across the edge, even before the start of the filming, she came up with new and new dashes for their heroine. "The first major role caused the need for creative riotiness. Everything that by this time was dried in me, everything that I understood about this life, about people, - I wanted to push this job. I was generous, unrestrained, I did not regret anything, I wanted to stick everything there. "

She wandered through the streets and watched women, hurrying in their affairs. I went to the shops and, considering the queues, settled those or other poses, facial expressions, gestures. "I have already seen my" Sweet Woman ": synthetic fur coat, green cried dress, slightly stop heels ...

George Korolchuk, who played in the film of the father of the child Anna, after the "sweet woman" was almost not shot in the cinema, giving all the forces the theater.

My heroines behave not as me, but to play their feelings and reaction, I must present myself in their place. And this is impossible without its own everyday baggage, without cargo is experiencing. "

She sought Anna Dobro-love to sympathize for a desire to stroke her on his head, and not condemn the things and lack of sincere feelings. "In Anna, I wanted not only to expose her egoism and spiritual saturacy," Gundareva said, "but the viewer felt her loneliness and the fear that she hides for carpets and sofas ..."

Unlike the main character, which sweetly did not love, the director and his whole team, hitting the confectionery factory, in the interruptions between the doubles, candy and chocolates were flying.

Unlike the main character, which sweetly did not love, the director and his whole team, hitting the confectionery factory, in the interruptions between the doubles, candy and chocolates were flying.

Handarev reached its goal. After the film "Sweet Woman", she literally woke up by the famous (well, not anyway without this rubber stamp!). The picture became the leader of the rolled in the Soviet Union and was purchased to show in many countries of the world. In addition, according to polls for those years, the audience called Natalia Gundarev's best actress of the year. It was well-deserved recognition. After all, Natalia, despite his fairly young age (only twenty-eight years), was able to surprisely reliably convey the process of growing up his heroine from a naive rural girl to mature matron.

This line of her talent after the "sweet woman" was appreciated by the director. Indeed, Gundareva knew how to organically build up so organically in his roles that the audience believed: it is as which appears on the screen. And she was very different. And many, meeting with actress in real life, were sometimes extremely surprised. The Actress Maya Polyanskaya, for example, recalls about this case, which is very characterized by the character of Gundareva: "Once on the tour in Kiev, we lazily rise from the beach along the coast of the Dnieper. My six-year-old son is with us. He is worn without tired, turns under his feet and, knowing that there will be a shooting path behind the track, Klyanchit: "Well, let's go shoot, well, let's go ..." Natalia takes his hand, and the child becomes silk. We still go to the shooter. Natalia charges a gun, says: "Alyosha, look, as it is done," turns away from the stand with the targets, holding a gun on the stretched hand, shoots and, to universal surprise and delight, knocks the best prize. "

Yes, and the actress itself, who did not really love revelations in the press, once admitted: "I, in principle, not so simple and open, as it seems. Once I got into an accident, after the hospital lay at home. Goncharov arrived to me, looked at my apartment and was surprised. After all, I have all the dark wallpaper, brown curtains, eternal twilight. I am a twilight woman ... Goncharov then said: "How many years I know, Natasha, and you, it turns out, is a completely different person!"

But for millions of Russians, she still remained a "sweet woman." And the expression it has long become a winged. What is noteworthy, so calling those ladies who want to say: "You are the most charming and attractive!" So, with its task - to cause the audience not hatred and contempt, and sympathy and pity - Natalia Gundareva coped.

Photo: Film Studio "Lenfilm", Legion-Media

Our version of the photo change to the film "Sweet Woman"

We presented who could play in the modern version of the picture. Today, new images are trying on the actresses of Ekaterina Vulichenko, Natalia Gromushkina, a musician (and a little actor) Vladimir Kristovsky.

Camera, motor!

Ekaterina Vulichenko Actress

Photo: personastars

Photo: personastars

Direct speech

"I really love the actress Natalia Gundarev. She was always very real, so there was never a doubt about the veracity of her images. And the audience believed: if she plays a large mother - it means that she is full of kids in her life; If the village witness means it was born clearly not in the city; If the near "Sweet Woman" in search of his happiness is to see, and the Gundarere itself is not everything smoothly in his personal life. And only then many were surprised to find out that all this is only another role, and in reality it is completely different. In the film "Sweet Woman" talent, actresses also manifested itself in the fact that she played her heroine and in young years, and in full of Balzakovsky age. And this, I know on my own experience, a very difficult task with which Natalia Gundareva coped awesome! "

Frame from the film.

Frame from the film.

Private bussiness

In childhood, she dreamed of being a scout. But about the profession of actress, unlike thousands of other girls, never even thought. Nevertheless, it is thanks to the magical world of cinema with whom Katya turned out to be connected by the will of the chance, she was able to fit in a military uniform. About how she got on the other side of the screen, should be said particularly. At first, Katya took away from hundreds of applicants to participate in the vannel "Yerals": the assistant of Boris Grachevsky came to her school and, seeing Vulichenko, immediately invited her to take off. And later she was offered a role in the film of the novice director of Nikolay Lebedev "Snake Source". And it was Nikolai that was able to convince Katya that the cinema was her future. So Vulichenko became the student theatrical. And since then it does not get tired to thanks to the fate for all that everything happened in her life as it happened. After all, it can change appearance every day, profession, temperament, see different cities and recognize new people. And also to participate in the most unexpected projects. Such, for example, like our "film processing".

Photo: Maxim Zemskov, Miguel

Photo: Maxim Zemskov, Miguel


Carry out a free day for a photo shoot - the task for Kati is almost impossible. And not only because she is a demanded actress, which manages to act in five projects at the same time. The fact is also in the fact that the family of vulichenko is practically international. In the sense that the husband, daughter and parents are often preserved, so it turned out, in different countries. Husband, a financier, who was educated in Oxford and lived in London for a long time, constantly in the roadway. Daughter Sophia, together with his grandmother from April, until October lives in Cyprus. Well, and Katya is trying with all this to be an exemplary wife and a loving mom: as soon as he is released at least two or three days, it is immediately reunited with his family. Therefore, we understood the fact that our photo session was constantly transferred. Agree, the result cost!

Natalia Gromushkina Actress

Photo: personastars

Photo: personastars

Direct speech

"Natalia Gundareva is my favorite artist. Yes, I know that she was a woman with Oh, what a difficult character. Yes, I know that they treated her very differently. But when she went on stage or on the set, all this was absolutely no matter. Because such talented people are born very rarely. And it's fine that Natalia Georgievna at one time overcame the complexes about his own appearance and decided to storm theatrical colleges. But it could be closed in themselves, to become, as she gathered, an engineer-designer ... Therefore, when I randomly at home and I get to the film with the participation of Gundareva, I see it necessary. "

Frame from the film.

Frame from the film.

Private bussiness

She from childhood was very attractive for the opposite sex. For example, one of the first men who came under the action of Her Char was Nikolay Baskov. Natalia and Nikolai learned together at school and, as the Basque once admitted, he was secretly in love with the future actress. And even presented to her once the French spirits - in those scarce times it was a truly royal gift!

From the old years, Natalia managed to do a lot of things at the same time. And it's amazing - to do everything perfectly. In school years she was engaged in the theater studio, went to dances, to a music school, in a circle of artistic reading and sang in Children's via. Playful fact: And after years, Natalia continues to try himself in a variety of spheres, and it all turns out great.

Photo: Maxim Zemskov, Miguel

Photo: Maxim Zemskov, Miguel


Sometimes it seems as if the whole world fell against you. The hated cold, the temperature is under forty, outside the window - rain and slush ... At such days I want to wrap in a warm plaid and, sipping tea with honey, thoughtlessly watch some tearful melodrama or a funny comedy. This is the mood of Natalia Gromushkina on the day of the photo session. Understanding that our heroine is unhealthy and unlikely to work together will be fruitful, we even were ready to refuse to meet. But the actress turned out to be inexperienced: since she promised, exactly at the appointed time will appear in the studio. She has a life credo. Probably, that is why she managed to have time and everywhere!

Vladimir Kristovsky Group "Uma2RMAH"

Photo: Press Service Personastars

Photo: Press Service Personastars

Direct speech

"In my opinion, Oleg Yankovsky is great in any role. It was not by chance that at one time his participation in the picture was already a guarantee of cash collections: the viewer went to the cinema just "on Yankovsky". Unfortunately, I did not happen to communicate with this great actor. Although we crossed at various film festivals (most often, of course, on the "Kinotavra", whose president he "worked" for many years), but, alas, they were not presented to each other ... By the way, to photo shoots for the magazine "Atmosphere" (and There were already a few of them) No one said that I was like Yankovsky. And only after friends and acquaintances saw me for the first time in the "film", they began to pay attention to some similarity. "

Frame from the film.

Frame from the film.

Private bussiness

The biography of Vladimir Cry-Stovsky is rich in events. Before becoming a famous musician, he managed to work (bend fingers!) Driver, gas-electric welder, gas station operator, sales representative, janitor, Sanitar, roof cover, businessman, hairdresser and even deputy director of the designer agency! And all this time - for a couple with elder brother Sergey - composed music and tried to convey his creations to the public. It is good that at some point their talent was still able to see: Volodya gave the cassette with the records to a familiar musician, who, in turn, gave her already his acquaintance. So, along the chain, the music of the group "Uma2RMA" finally turned out to be in the radio. And fame found our heroes!

Photo: Maxim Zemskov, Miguel

Photo: Maxim Zemskov, Miguel


Well, we can do nothing with you: as soon as there is a turn of the "film", where you need to reincarnate in the heroes of Oleg Yankovsky, we immediately remember Vladimir Kristovsky. But really - as similar! Surprisingly, when in May of this year, the Uma2RMA group presented his new program "In this city, all crazy", specialized publications reported: "In the declaimation of modern poetry, an association has emerged - Oleg Yankovsky. When musical instruments are silent, the voice and manner of Crysto are amazingly reminded by Oleg Ivanovich, especially in the form of Baron Münhgausen. " It turns out that a certain similarity of Yankovsky and Crysto is not only portrait!

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