Four Style Style of Italian Women


With one word "ITALY" you want to buy a ticket for one side at any time of the year, sitting in a cozy cafe for the most delicious paste, homemade Tuscan wine and, of course, not be late for the sale! I completely forgot what I am writing about fashion.

I think no one will argue that Italy attracts not only a delicious food and a warm climate, but also beautiful, dressed with a feeling of impeccable taste. And Italian women are considered to be among the most elegant in Europe. So what is their secret?

First secret

Achromatic, Pastel and Natural Color Palettes

Italian woman prefers a combination of blue, gray, brown, green, white and certainly black colors. Bright colors are present in minimum, and the black color is set as a separate top stage in the wardrobe color range. Similarly, with prints - simple ornaments and minimal quantities. As they say, it is better less, but better.

Italian prefer good fabrics and high-quality accessories

Italian prefer good fabrics and high-quality accessories


Second secret

Laconicity and practicality of images

Italian has love for stylish costumes, and they do not achieve such an effect by no longer a large number of rholes and feathers. Minimalistic and a little conservative lifestyle raised the basic wardrobe, which is characterized by the simplicity of cut and the possibility of combining basic things with any elements of the wardrobe. An interesting image makes one bright emphasis - no more, Italian women are distinguished by an aesthetic look at things (as a cultural center of the world) and attract the excellence with their inner sense of superiority to other women. No wonder the Italian love the brand Giorgio Armani, famous for its elegant style and love for blue and black flowers.

Third secret

Qualitative materials

Italian will save for a long time, but will not get the cheap thing for one season. She chooses Middle, Middle-Up and Luxe segments, because the ratio of price-quality and tries to invest in a good thing. After all, there is no wonder in the Italian family by inheritance, high-quality wardrobe items are transferred.

Interesting image makes one bright accent - no more

Interesting image makes one bright accent - no more


Fourth Secret


On the face of a minimum of makeup, but the Italian woman does not represent himself without a favorite classic glasses and a tough quality bag. Given that the sun in Italy is almost always, at least 3-4 pairs of glasses in the Italian Arsenal you will find. A large rigid bag is practical and always presentable. Save on accessories in Italy is not welcome.

As the already mentioned Georgio Armani said: "The value of accessories in our days is growing, so put money in shoes, belts, bags, ties and the like. Then you can update your outfit again and again. Remember about the colors that wear and buy the appropriate accessories. At the same time, remember that you can wear black and brown with gray.

As we see, elegance and comfort are the basic principles of Italian style. The Italians themselves adore fashionable and stylish clothes, and the appearance of the appearance for them is one of the most important, probably after eating and coffee in the morning. However, they do not dress brightly and defiantly, everyone in their appearance is combined well, and the main thing for them is their own self-confidence and self-confidence.

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