Love milk, but you can't drink it?


Especially for you, Parmalat, the global leader in the production of UHT milk, prepared a novelty in the dairy line - Parmalat Low Lactose milk with a reduced lactose content, milk sugar, which makes the digestion.

On average, about 20% of the population suffers in the intolerance to the lactose in Russia. The presence of this disease is due to the absence of either insufficient enzyme activity, which splits lactose - milk sugar.

Lactose intolerance is manifested in the feeling of gravity in the abdomen, disorder of digestion, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms.

Parmalat Low Lactose is low-column ultrapasterized milk, which contains a minimal amount of lactose (less than 0.1%), which makes it easier for milk without unpleasant sensations. With the help of innovative technologies, we split the lactose molecule (dairy sugar) on easily digestible saccharides.

Milk Low Lactose retains all the beneficial properties of milk and contains vital nutrients (proteins, calcium, vitamins).

Low-coarse ultrapasterized milk will ideally suit people who suffer from lactose intolerance and those who carefully relate to their nutrition and watch their weight.

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