Vacation time: how to really save on the hotel


To leave the vacation perfectly, you will have to work in advance. Not in the sense to earn money on him, but take care of your own comfort. There was also a time when the tourists chose a ready-made, batch product and were happy to him. Now it is inconvenient, inconsistently and not interesting .-->

I will share my negative experience. A year ago, we had a vacation in the summer by chance, I didn't plan to travel anywhere, but I didn't want to sit for two weeks at home too. In travel agency, I was offered several vacation options at the sea. I chose the most expensive because it is known - the miser pays twice. Of course, I did not think that it would be paradise, but for paid five stars, I still expected, especially, the manager reported me that the hotel reviews are good.

The first thing we was surprised to find, these are lack of closed common premises in principle. Both the administration and restaurants and other "sights" of the hotels were on the street. Dining in the sun at 40 degrees in the shade of pleasure dubious. But in the room, the air conditioner did not turn off in principle, so I went to the hospital from the vacation. I don't want more such experiments on yourself.

Stop depending on the "Uncle", now any point of the world is available to you, even if tourists from Russia do not go into it. You can find tickets at a bargain price on air carriers sites, but on the road you will spend a little time, but at the hotel you will have to live longer. And I want these few days to go comfortably.

Probably, like me, many have come across the fact that in the picture we see one thing, but in fact it turns out completely different. Spend some time - the Internet provides us with the opportunity to explore the reviews of guests and choose yourself a place of residence in the shower.

So, with the country decided, tickets bought, the hotel was chosen. We go to his web page to book your favorite room, and faint from the price. As a rule, the hotel places high price list for its apartments. And what is shy something? After all, the client has already come to them and is ready to make a purchase. But I would not advise you so much. It is better to save money, they will use you during the rest. How? With the help of the site

Vacation time: how to really save on the hotel 38377_2

It would seem that there are several well-known booking systems, why is one more? The fact is that RoomGuru works quite a different principle.

Booking systems or how they are called online Travel agencies (OTA) have a contract with hotels for receiving numbers at a certain price and receive a small commission from their owners. Due to the large number of customers, the price of them gets a little lower than if you booked in the hotel itself.

RoomGuru is a metapoiskovik, you have no financial relationship, you do not pay anything, it's just a service for finding the best price. With this service, you can get data on available rooms from different OTA and hotels. You do not need to go from the page to the page, in search of the most advantageous offer and carry out a complex analysis of prices and conditions, this service will make it for you.

For example, from 10 to 14 August I have been planning a trip to Amsterdam. I go to RoomGuru, I enter the dates, the star of the hotel, the number of people. For the convenience of users on the site there are additional filters. You can choose a place of residence: close to attractions, in the center, on the outskirts, near the transport hub, and so on. Or you have blazing, live only in hotels with the name to the letter "M" - the search engine will cope with this task. The site is a very simple and understandable interface.

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The service sends a request at once in all OTA:, Island, Agoda, and others, as well as in the corresponding hotels directly. You ourselves have spent on it for several hours, moved the gigabytes of information, and here for the fraction of a second you will receive the data on which numbers in which hotels are free and how much they cost these dates.

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You will be surprised, but on ten different sites the price of the same number can range twice! Consider how much you overpay, for the selected four days. Thus, the room at the hotel "X" at this time on Bucking costs 2000 rubles, in the island of 1,500 rubles, in Amome 1200 rubles and so for each hotel. All this is because the hotel sells its rooms in different booking systems for different money, and somewhere performs special promotions at all.

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Further only you decide which number to choose, and on which site to book it. Metapoiskovik provides comprehensive descriptions and reviews about hotels from independent resources. You can explore the hotel's favorite photos in all details, consider numbers, determine the location on the map and find out what exists near.

One of the important bonuses - RoomGuru guarantees the best price, in contrast to OTA. If suddenly, it is very unlikely, you yourself were able to book a hotel at the desired dates cheaper than the search engine offers, you will return the difference within 30 days.

It happens that one price of the hotel hangs on the travel agency website, and at the time of booking, for some reason it becomes higher. RoomGuru will help avoid such unpleasant surprises. The service only works with reliable service providers, for unreliable partners has stiff sanctions.

I repeat, with RoomGuru you have any financial relations. You make the purchase in the "store" in your chosen by you. The service receives his percentage from OTA or hotels, and the service partners of just 800 thousand throughout the globe. Therefore, on the site you can find a room even with an 80% discount.

This system has already existed eleven years and is not checked by one dozen users. The search engine Roomgugu is the most perfect in its industry, since this is a Russian-speaking version of the HotelsCombined service - the world leader in the search and compare prices for hotels. Four times in a row, she was recognized as the best search engine in the world according to WordTravelWords - an analogue of Oscar in the world of tourism. In total, there are more than five million sentences in the system, which is more than any analog.

You can use this search engine anywhere where the network catches. The service has applications and iPhone, and on Android, and on Windows Phone, as well as the mobile version of the site.

In general, it's time to think about vacation, which remains less and less days, and with them rapidly melting favorable offers in hotels. But I am confident in the help of RoomGuru, who will offer me a good hotel with a cozy restaurant, close to the beach and at the best price.

Julia Goncharov

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