Close your eyes, open your mouth!


"Such skill is a gift to whom any man will be glad," Maryna convinces me, one of the female students. "I thought for a long time that I would give my beloved for the new year, because he is a rich man and he has everything." And here is an excellent solution!

Oral special course is part of the extensive seminar program under the general name "identity self-knowledge." At the interview to applicants, they say that the Kama Sutra, and the Chinese Treatise "The Art of Marriage" describes many options for "games on flute". All these techniques, according to the creators of the school, you need to know every woman - both to increase sexual literacy and For the general development of the person.

"Oral sex is a powerful female weapon," says Teacher. - A man will never give up a woman who does it skillfully and most importantly - with joy.

Interestingly, according to sexologists, couples practicing oral sex, really much more stable those who consider the "kiss below the belt" perversion. They explain this by the fact that men after 35 years old need additional stimulation, especially at the beginning of proximity. Scientists also have a version that in the saliva of women who regularly engaged in oral sex, substances that increase the potency of men appear.

Conduct with one of the graduates of the school named Lena. She is "a little over 30", she is married, has two children.

"I am an excellent study in life," Lena smiles at the question of what he led her here. - Whatever I do, I try to do it in the best possible way. Of course, my husband and I practiced oral sex before. But, encroaching on advertising this school, I decided to do something well, you need to learn a question thoroughly. Here, for example, explain how to competently combine oral sex techniques with other caresses, which psychotipa of men as and how to offer. And still taught the so-called "Language Kung Fu" - this is a whole set of techniques that will lead to any man in full ecstasy. So I decided to make a surprise husband, learning all these things. On New Year's Eve I will present a gift to him!

- And how, hesitate to ask, are classes?

- At the interview asked to come with their member. I first did not understand: with my husband, what, I ask?! But no, refers to a rubber dildo. Some girls from my class did not want to spend money on rubber toys and used bananas and cucumbers, it is not reborn. During classes, the teacher itself shows different techniques, and the class repeats over it. I really liked our teacher: she is a sexologist, very intelligent, her right, good speech. All that she explained was clear. Each academic hour is a new subject - history, theory, special equipment and master class. We also passed the technique of the Thai massage of intimate zones. Plus, there was a lesson with a psychologist who taught us how to receive pleasure from oral sex. After all, the worst thing that a woman can make is to start this case with the appearance of Joan D'Ark, going to the fire. We are conducting abstracts, ask questions in the course of the lecture, and at the end we are given didactic materials with descriptions of techniques and pictures and a diploma of school.

- And how many certified "flutics" produces this school?

- Generally in classes of 10 people. But before the new year it happened such a blowing of those who wish that the classes were increased. In my was 23 girls, everyone received diplomas. Among us there was even one elderly actress, it is still very beautiful and sexy, despite age. She stated it: "I do not want to live life, and without learning all the wisdom of this art. It is a pity that in my time there were no such schools ... "And those who consider oral sex with perversion, in my opinion - just a hagga!

- And how much is such a "gift"?

- In this place is not very expensive - 1200 rubles for two academic couples, that is, the classes themselves last 3 hours plus a change and free communication. But my girlfriends went to another school of oral sex, there the seminar lasted from 9 am to 8 pm and cost the purpose of × 10 thousand rubles.

The idea that men adore this case was immediately confirmed. At the exit to us a young guard handled:

- Girls, and you do not need visual benefits? He asked, smiling embarrassed. - I'm still looking forward to when in your school, the competitive selection of equipment will be announced. Why do you need rubber when you can train on high-quality living material?

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