Silver mark


The color of our hair is responsible for a special pigment called Melanin. It is he who gives the hair to one or another shade. Unfortunately, Melanin is very unstable. Under the influence of various factors, its number is catastrophically reduced, and the hair becomes colorless, that is, gray. If the elaboration of melanin does not stop, but only violates, the so-called partial gray appears when the hair is seen not along the entire length - for example, in the roots.

"There is an opinion that it is possible to go literally in one night, for example, due to a strong emotional shock. Of course, this is nothing but a myth, "says Anastasia Savchenko, Lebel's lead technologist. - Since the time, the man has found the first gray hair, and until the moment that almost his head becomes gray, dozens of years can pass. In this myth, there is a certain proportion of truth, since the appearance of gray hair is largely promoted by various hormonal disorders, under which stress plays one of the main roles. Permanent stressful situations at work, personal life, chronic overwork - all this leads to the fact that today the number of young people who noticate the first gray hair on their heads are catastrophically increasing. A large role in the appearance of seeds is played by reduced immunity, anemia, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, some skin diseases, thyroid diseases, as well as other hormonal disorders. As for heredity, this issue is very ambiguous. It is impossible to fully ignore this factor, as arguing that it is not challenged. Everything is purely individually and depends primarily from your lifestyle.

Rules of "Camouflage"

Before you start a conversation about the ways to combat gray, it is impossible to "cure" the seeding. Neither massages, nor wonderful pills, no lotions for the skin of the head do not eliminate the main cause of the appearance of gray hair, which is in the deficiency of melanin. Any ways to combat gray hair, starting with a shadowed shampoo and ending with persistent dyes, in one degree or another are disguise. The main thing is to make it the most high-quality, save for a long period and at the same time save hair health. If graying is difficult to dye, a professional approach is needed not only when choosing paint, but also coloring and paint technology.

"Staining of gray hair in hairdresser is a special line," explains Anastasia Savchenko. - The structure of gray hair differs from the structure of the usual hair not only the absence of color pigment. Gray hair is tougher, they are more difficult to staining, the dye of them is quickly washed away. There is a so-called vitreous seeding, when "emptiness" is filled with air bubbles and hair poorly retain moisture and useful components of caring products. The choice of dye should be based on the individual characteristics of the client. If the hair is completely gray, such a gray one is most often determined by the concept of "one hundred percent", but it also happens focal or local when certain sections are seen. Next, the total percentage of seats should be determined. For this purpose, professionals use the general rule "salt-pepper". When more "salts", that is, white hairs, the percentage of seats exceeds 50%, in the opposite case, this indicator below. As for the sample shampoos, it is, of course, harmless, but a very unreliable means, because the coloring pigments are fixed exclusively on the surface of the hair and irrevocably "go" after the first wash. An exception can be done only for the so-called noble seed, which has a silver, cold shade. In this case, it is enough to buy high-quality sample shampoo for gray hair and use it a couple of times a week to maintain aesthetic look. Unfortunately, in most cases, Sedina has either a yellowish or gray shade, which looks dim and dirty, and here you will need help professionals. In my opinion, the ideal means for painting the seed is Materia G. The unique formula allows you to create a kernel in a hair structure, consisting of a brown pigment, similar to a melanin of a hair, which is a reliable framework for creating uniform shades, and most importantly, it allows Preliminary pigment required when working with gray hair. We should not forget that the structure of the gray-haired hair is very capricious, the pigment literally "fails" into it, which makes the resulting tint dim and inexpressive. If you do not want radical changes, and you dream to reflect gray, it is recommended to go through the phytolamination program at which a straight dye of Luquias is used ("Lukias")The unique color pigment formula allows to penetrate into the hair, as when using a semi-performent dye, but without any damage, and the combination of plant ingredients restores the hydrolyphid balance of the hair, smoothes the porous structure, adds additional volume and flexibility of hair, and also protects them from external damage. The color palette allows you to create an infinite number of unique shades. The color intensity of painted hair is saved from 3 to 8 weeks and comes evenly, without manifestation of unwanted nuances and borders. It is very pleasant, and most importantly - a completely safe procedure that is suitable even for sensitive scalp. "

"What kind of paint for gray hair to choose? - says Ekaterina Vrubel, chief specialist of the company "Biobuti", Laureate of the medal named Dashkova. - Now everyone knows that the most chemically aggressive substances in cosmetics are paints for hair. To get the required tone, you must first destroy the original, even if we paint the hair dressed. For this, strong chemicals are used, which are long enough on hair and scalp with the procedure itself. Alas, with regular use of paints, they accumulate not only in the hair, but also in the skin of the head. It causes literacy, enhances hair dryness, and gray hair is most often very dry. There is a great danger of hair loss, as well as allergic reactions.

When using natural paints, hair becomes healthy and brilliant and they remain subsequently. When we treat the hair of natural paint, we apply vegetable paint as a shell. It protects hair from harmful external influences. In addition, Henna (it is usually the base for natural paints) adds pomp and volume hair, embedded in the inner structure of the hair, and also treats the scalp from dandruff and itch. Therefore, painting with natural dyes is not just harmless, but also very useful for hair, and for the skin of the head. "

Is it true that ...

Smoking people seize much earlier.

TRUTH. The constant spasm of the brain vessels violates the nutrition of the hair follicles, which leads to the destruction of melanin and as a result - to gray.

Brunettes and Schathenans have much more chances to go at an early age than blondes.

NOT TRUE. It's all about visual perception: on dark hair Sedin is much more noticeable.

You can get rid of seeds using discoloration.

NOT TRUE. At one hundred percent gray, no result will not be markedly. If the percentage of gray hair is less, then it may be unexpected or just an ugly color.

If you remove the first gray hair, the whole head will go behind it.

NOT TRUE. The process of laying depends on the state of the internal organs and from hereditary factors, and he is in no way associated with depilation.

Sedina gives a certain charm.

True, but under certain conditions. First, it should have a silver shade, secondly, it will take very competent care, as well as a certain style in clothes.

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