Coffee improves digestion: refutable popular myths scientific facts


At the end of May, a study was published in the United States that the regular use of coffee helps to bring stones from the gallbladder and deal with pancreatitis, as a whole, improving digestion. However, many experts agreed that this work was sponsored by coffee manufacturers, which often happens to bribe consumers, following a new trend for checking information in the databases of medical articles. So Dr. Emerane Mayer, Co-Director of the Research Center of Digestive Diseases in the University of California in Los Angeles, in an interview with Helathline noted that further research is needed to confirm this information: "As far as I know, there are no qualitative, interventional, controlled studies that could would support this statement. Most of these studies show associations that do not allow us to conclude about the causal relationship between coffee and these diseases. " I decided to figure out other myths that are often attributed to coffee.

Creative people are needed

How many times have we seen in films like artists, actors, singers and other stars drink a cup of coffee before starting the working day? It is these people who invariably advertise grain and soluble coffee, although in fact the right of advertising has long time to give businessmen and engineers to those who are more relevant logical thinking, and not a creative gust. In the study "Percolating Ideas: The Effects of Caffeine On Creative Thinking and Problem Solving", 80 participants were given either a 200 million caffeine tablet, which is equivalent to one cup of strong coffee, or placebo. The impact of the stimulator on the convergent (problem solving) and the divergent (generation of ideas) thinking, work memory and mood was checked. Researchers reported that caffeine affects convergent thinking, but not on divergent thinking.

Drink no more than two cups per day

Drink no more than two cups per day


Pregnant can drink coffee

Caffeine enters the bloodstream and penetrates the placenta. Since this is a stimulator, it can lead to an increase in the heart rate and the metabolism of your child. The norm is considered to consume caffeine during pregnancy in the amount of 200-300 mg per day, which is equal to a cup of weak coffee on milk or a pair of cups of tea. Dose excess can slow down the growth of the fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage. Those who want to get pregnant girls also need to be neat - there is evidence that the excess of recommended × 400 mg of caffeine per day interferes with the development of estrogen. Consult the doctor if you are planning a pregnancy or have already conceived a child.

Coffee does not interfere with sleep

Some people believe that caffeine shifts them, but can not be. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the half-life of caffeine lasts until 5 hours. The half-life is the amount of time it is required to reduce the amount of substance to half the initial amount. The effect of caffeine reaches a peak level for 30-60 minutes after use. This is the time when you are most likely to experience the invigorating effect of caffeine. But people sensitive to caffeine, doctors do not recommend drinking coffee for 6 hours before sleep.

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