Separate sleep - teach a child to sleep in your room


Sleep together or separately - a separate topic for conversation. Each family decides for themselves which of the options is more convenient for them. But what to do those who have slept side by side with a child for a long time, and now want to "move" him in a separate bed? We give some effective advice.

Choose baby bed

The best just start with the attraction of the child - offer to buy the bed that he will like. Of course, we do not advise you to choose a sleeping place in the form of a typewriter or princess castle, but if financial capabilities allow - why not? If you order an individual design, the child will be glad doubly - children usually like the creative process. Then buy bedding - with your favorite cartoon characters, animals or superheroes.

Talk to the baby

Psychologists advise to prepare a child for sleep in a separate room, otherwise he can be afraid - wake up in the middle of the night and cry. Explain that you are always near and he can come to you at any time. First time do not lock the door for the night and come to spend the child to make sure that his sleep is calm and strong. Do not offer to sleep with a night pane - the baby will get used to the light, then it will be difficult to rebuild it to a new mode. Better remember about the old Assistant - Radionna. Put it next to the bed, so as not to get up at night in order to check the baby's sleep.

We need to teach a child gradually

We need to teach a child gradually


Tell me that he is already independent

It is not worth making an emphasis on the fact that the child suddenly became big and should sleep separately. It is better to explain to him that he is independent and can make decisions regarding his life - to choose the color of the wallpaper in your room, put on pajamas and turn off the night light before bedtime. Moreover, it is necessary to say it seriously and at the same time gentle, then the baby will understand that you feel about it as an adult and respect his thoughts. Usually at the age of 3-4 years, children are already understood and needed in their own corner with their own orders, so the transition process to separate sleep must pass without problems.

First sleep together

At first, you should not leave the child one in the room. First night, spend together with him the following - go to your bed in the morning. The process should last no more than a week - during this time the child will get used to new conditions, and you will not have time to get tired of the lack of sleep. Invite him to take a favorite soft toy with you - with her he will feel comfortable. It is also worth purchasing dark curtains, because in the darkness hormone, melatonin is produced much faster, which means the baby will fall asleep in minutes.

Add dad to the process

It is usually difficult for children to fall asleep one, because there is no mom nearby, which they used to keep hand during sleep. If the child has the same good relationship with their parents, then you should first take turns, and then only the dad read the baby's book before bedtime and be with him until he falls. So the child will not be capricious to simplify mom to lie down with him together. Gradually, the presence of the presence can be replaced with a dream with a toy, but we do not advise you to give up the usual evening rituals - these are important moments of proximity to the parents who need him, especially in gentle age.

Get special rituals before bedtime

Get special rituals before bedtime


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