How to quickly gather in the morning


Drink your hair with one hand, the other is stroking the dress ... In parallel, it is stumbled in the habit of burning porridge and try to wake a sonya baby. Comic Situation, but familiar to many women. In a series of working days, you often do not have time to do what to do with charging in the mornings or put a mask, but to eat trite. We tell how to plan the right morning that will not spoil your mood and accommodate all the urgent things.

Get ready in advance

The more things you do from the evening, the less will remain in the morning. Prepare out the outfit for tomorrow - Choose not only clothes, but also accessories - bag, suitable belt, earrings. Do not forget to put several pairs of spare pantyhose in the closet - before an important event it will be unpleasant to find that there is a noticeable arrow on black tights. Rinse your shoes and apply a cream or moisture remedy on it - wash your shoes right before going out, otherwise it will not have time to dry and quickly lose the form.

Collect the bag in advance

Collect the bag in advance


Take care so that the bag is also assembled. We advise you to start a small cosmetics where you fold the most necessary - wet wipes, a small comb, lip pencil, compact powder with a sponge, carcass miniature, hygiene products for menstruation, hair gum, sewing set and lighter. Additionally, put a sponge for shoes in the bag, a portable battery with a cord. Do not forget about documents, cash and credit card.

Observe sleep mode

Specialists learning physiology have long proved - you need to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. If in the week you wake up none of either dawn, but on the weekend sleep until lunch, then do not be surprised that on Monday you barely get up. An hour before Sleep, delay the phone away from the bed and take a book in your hands - not only spend time with benefit, but also give the brain to relax from a constant flux of rapidly changing information. Yes, and the pending phone will make you wake up in the morning with the first call to turn it off faster.

Observe sleep mode

Observe sleep mode


All according to the schedule

Remember, as in the elementary school, Mom wrote to you the schedule for the day, where at 7.00-7.05 stood washing, in 7.05-7.10 - charging and so on. By the way, it was a loyal approach. Clearly adhering to the installed routine, you will not waste time in vain, which you can do later, - check email, communication in social networks, view endless instagram tape. Let the morning be only for you and your family - it is better to spend time together for breakfast and discussion on the day on the day than, bolding into the phones, alone with you. You will notice that you have done more, because we often spend, as it seems, just a couple of minutes on the social network, but if you look as a whole, then several sessions in a pair of minutes take up no less than half an hour.

New habits

Get useful habits - they will help to rebuild on a new mode. For example, writing morning pages without hurrying to jump out of bed as soon as you woke up. Well, if you take a contrasting shower in the morning - it will not only refresh you, but also help support the skin of the body in a tone. Do not forget about charging, reception of vitamins and compliance with the drinking mode - a glass of cold water with lemon will configure you on a productive day.

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