One or family: We plan your vacation


Family vacation is what many people are waiting for the whole work week. But there are also such weekends, after which I want to rest again. Fatigue accumulates, mutual irritation appears, there are quarrels in the family, because everyone sees a rest in different ways. All this is because people cannot decide how to spend time with comfort together. If these problems are familiar to you, then we suggest looking at the festival of "live emotions" games. It is here that you will get high-quality family chat, and each of the households will find the game that is suitable for him.

Agree, sometimes it is very important to find time for yourself and your family, relieve tension, get an energy push. Family vacation is important and because it combines children and adults. For many, it is important that they have desires, and joint plans for life were drawn up, and an understanding of the development of their family would appear.

Oksana Gonde, certified practical psychologist

Oksana Gonde, certified practical psychologist

Materials press services

Therefore, why, if instead of an ordinary family holiday in a cafe or in the amusement park, spend time really with benefit for your family? If this is what you want, if this is what your family lacked - welcome to the living emotion festival.

The event is designed for a large audience, so there is an occupation and for adults of serious people, and for the smallest participants. At the festival will find a game and small children, starting from three years of age.

The space of the festival is divided into thematic zones. To choose for yourself the game is unusually simple - determine the topic of interest from the Game Games, see the color of this sector, and already sit down at the table with the designation of this color.

Also, the space of the festival is divided by the ages - from three to six years, from seven to twelve and from twelve to eighteen years. Such sections are designed to ensure that each child felt comfortable among his peers. At these games, children not only spend time, but also learn about their talents and abilities. But this is also very important and necessary.

In addition, the game has its own currency - these are cards of emotions that encourage each other participants and leading. After each game, one card must be given the host of the game. What emotion will want to give, depends only on you. At the end of the day, the presenters will calculate their emotional balance and those who gain more will receive the status of "favorite leading" according to the "folk jury".

At the end of the festival at the "Emotion Fair", these cards can be exchanged for gifts.

Would you like even more emotions? Bring books and board games to the festival that you are no longer needed. At the festival it will be possible to exchange favorite books and board games with other participants of the festival.

The festival has its own regulations.

The space will be divided into zones that will help you choose exactly you the direction of the game:


*achievements of goals,

* Search for meanings

* Work with resentment and fears

* Permission of financial issues,

* Working with native

* Search exit from a difficult situation and others.

Participants in the festival may also be people speaking English. Separate gaming tables will be organized for them.

Children will also be offered thematic developing board games.

One game lasts two hours.

At the festival, you will be able to get acquainted with the authors of the games and the technique. And if you wish, to buy for yourself.

The family festival is aimed at the psychological development of the whole family.

And staying at the festival is not only a cheerful time and an interesting event with transformational games. You and your children will disclose those talents that did not know earlier. Learn more about the relationship in the family and you can change what has long wanted. Only make it in an affordable game format.

And those who are interested in self-development will make a big step for the transformation of their lives and in a game form will be able to develop the skills necessary for this.

After all, the most valuable transformation is the happiness of people closest to us. And what is the most difficult game? This is a game of life. And the most efficient and right path is to pass the hand with your relatives! And that is why the festival is created as a family in the form of space, where you can come with your spouse, your children, parents and play games. But the participant can come alone and his insight during the game will necessarily be a warming ray of light for all those who will be next to him!

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