Where in Thailand relaxing well


If I am asked where you need to go to rest in Thailand, then the answer is unequivocal: Phangan Island. This is my favorite island in Thailand and one of the best places in Southeast Asia.

Phangan Island (Kho Phangan) is located in Siamese Gulf, in Surattani Province, 15 km from all the famous and beloved Island of Samui. The name Ko Phangan happened from Thai "Co." - "Island" and "Nan" - "sandy braid", because during the sings, which are pronounced brightly near Pangan, you can observe these sandy braids around the island.

The area of ​​the island is about 168 square meters, and 70 percent of the area occupy mountains covered with tropical forests. The remaining 30 percent are beaches and coconut plantations. In Pangan, he loved to be the king of Thailand - Frame V. For the first time he came to the island in 1888 and after that came here for another 14 times!

Why exactly Phangan?

It is said that Phangan is the island of Karma, where what was deep inside is being opened. It is compared by the atmosphere with Indian Goa, but this is only one side of the island.

On the Pangan of Friki in acid shirts, herbers with dreadlocks and quiet tattooed alcoholics peacefully get along with yogas, pranodes and people who do not fall into extremes and just come to Phangan on vacation / for wintering / for exploration.

My Phangan is on the slides on the scooter, on a broken road - to the secret beaches. This is a fresh wind in the face and cold in the evenings. This is a harmful fried potato from a basin with oil on the market. And in love with unconsciousness. And hammock with mosquitoes. And again in love ... And all this is my island.

Alice Feoktistova loves to relax on the island of Phangan

Alice Feoktistova loves to relax on the island of Phangan

What to look at the island?

Phangan is among the top five of the largest islands of Thailand. He has one feature that makes it unique in its kind. We are talking, of course, about Full Moon Party - a grandiose partner in an open-air, which collects several thousand people in one place. In no pathtaya (famous for his nightlife) or on Phuket there is no such thing. Only on one of the beaches of Phi Phei, there is something similar, but only in a much smaller scale.

Secrets of the island

The best restaurants - in the area of ​​the fishing village of Bophuta. Great place where you can buy all sorts of fresh seafood. If necessary - then with you all products can be cleaned and parted. Breaks of a lot - from mollusks to shark. There are also shops with fruit. Recommend!

The village also has several pubs and bakeries offering standard European-style snacks, as well as a typical British and Australian menu for pubs.

BEACH Road Street is rich in restaurants - both elegant and very simple. Here are full of Chinese eateries, most of which have become recently in expensive restaurants and cafes.

The coastal trait is also not lagging behind the village, although prices here with sea views are slightly higher.

Phangan is called Karma Island

Phangan is called Karma Island

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Phagans are lower than on Samui (Samui). Here you can find something exclusive, but for the most part it will be things in which you do not need at all. Here you can try to bargain, but usually the prices are fixed. You can receive small discounts from time to time, but this is an exception, not a rule. Remember that you are in the resort area, and that prices here are usually higher than those on the mainland, say, in Bangkok, but lower than in European countries, and the choice of products is largely complex.


The weather on the island is always excellent. You can come here all year round.

Important advice

Rent a motorbike and explore the island in finding incredibly beautiful bays, beaches and waterfalls.

Have fun from the soul on the most famous beach party.

Sit in the authentic Thai stomba sauna and please your body with a traditional Thai massage.

Rate a local street food on the night market in Tongsala.

Get on yoga.

Swim with a mask near the island to Maa, admiring the underwater beauties of Pangan.

Set for a couple of days on one of the remote beaches of the island, to feel fully the most residency atmosphere "Lurence".

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