Sergey Babaev: "When you know a recognizable person, looks worthy of


- Sergey, as far as I understand, with the program "Other news" you have started a completely different life.

- Sure. I became leading on the first channel. Before that, I worked on NTV and NTV +, in the autumn of 1996 I opened NTV + as a sports leader. Then it was a very "invisible" satellite channel, almost with a zero audience. To recognize me began when I began to work as a correspondent for TVS, especially after there was some tragic events, such as the capture of the theater center on Dubrovka. And becoming leading on the first channel, of course, began to feel somewhat differently. It is nice, but also implies a greater degree of responsibility: you need to keep yourself in your hands all the time, for example, you can not afford to get acquainted in public. There are a lot of restrictions because it looks worthy. When you recognizable people, it is necessary to follow this particularly carefully.

- did not regard the change of format, as some relaxation for himself: after documentary

Films about the war in Dagestan and Chechnya, reporting about the attack on Dubrovka, you began to work in a calmer mode.

- Of course, to make reports from the places of tragedies, communicate with people who have just lost their loved ones - hard. But if you seriously engage in any business, you always find in it and your difficulties and your pleasant moments. I have always been serious about my work. And in the format of "other news" laid out in full, tired. Therefore, I will not say that it has become easier for me: it's not enough to be afraid of a live ether. Now I am leading the program "Good morning", we have a sliding schedule, and with the arrival of the spring, the ether and is divided into two parts - we work from Ostankino and from our mobile studio. We have such a mode: we come in the afternoon of the previous day, write an interview with the guests, then the orbit issue, then right in the "Ostankino" go to bed, for which we have two special rooms, and at 4 in the morning we get up, because in 5 Direct ether to Moscow.

- Once you said: To become a good journalist, it is important to make a goal for not making money, but an interest in the profession. Today you are teaching an extras - I manage to convince you young journalists that you do not become professional professionals "by blat"?

"I explain to them all that for a start you need to have at least a small ability to develop them later if your profession is fascinated. Do not expect that everything will be instantly. No Posner became Posner Surely.

Sergey Babaev admits that it is still fond of biology. .

Sergey Babaev admits that it is still fond of biology. .

- He is also a graduate of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, who was originally received.

- Yes. After studying at Biofak, one semester, thanks to his boss on NTV Alexei Ivanovich Burkovo, who led me to the Rector Viktor Gadovnich, I then transferred to Journalism and ended it for ten years, as working on television, where I came first by the administrator and gradually became Assistant director, editor, correspondent, director, sports commentator and leading, absorbed me completely.

- Tell us about your collection of coniferous plants.

- Latest school classes I was very interested in biology, I read all the textbooks for the first and second couphequa of Biofak MSU, and this topic is still very interesting to me, although I chose another profession for myself. In the country, I have interesting exotic plants, so I can come to me like a botanical garden. There are pine ordinary, pine black, pine cedar. There is a cedar slate who gave me a make-up from the Directorate of Information Programs, three types of fir - Korean, Siberian and monochrome, several types of juniper and thu. But my main recent acquisition that has no relation to conifer is a cloudberry. Saplings gave me during a business trip to Kostroma. In the Moscow region, this berry is extremely rare, the climate is too warm climate, but I will gladly mess with it. I love the berries - raspberries, blackberry, blueberry large-scale, cranberry and lingonberries. Blackberries last year gathered 9 kg. Moreover, it climbed to collect it in the heat, and since it is wildly barbed, put on the windbreak, so as not to be hurt. In the end, I did not notice how he got a thermal strike.

- In the country, you generally spend a lot of time - you have a pilaf in Kazan, and cycling with the whole family ...

- Not only pilaf, you can cook a lot in Kazan! And any vegetables, and the potatoes are perfectly obtained, and the chick is the Turkish pea. The kebab is bored for the first May holidays, so improvisation is already beginning - and pilaf of different species, and potatoes with yesterday's kebab. The main thing is to be interested in cooking. Neighbors as the smell teach - immediately run to visit. (Laughs.)

- Your 15-year-old son Nikita and the 9-year-old daughter Lisa have already given you reasons for pride?

- Sure. Lisa was engaged in figure skating Four and a half years, received a third youthful discharge. Then we left professional sports for a whole complex of reasons. Now she began to draw, and besides, engaged in swimming. Nikita has been studying at the theater studio for several years at school. In my opinion, they put quite good performances, it happens, occupy prizes in various contests. Son still starred in a full-length children's film with Svetlana Nonlarieva and engaged in academic rowing.

Sergey Babaev with family. .

Sergey Babaev with family. .

- Are you for them - authority?

- Maybe yes. Of course, they, like all the normal children, are not unquestioning what they say. Especially now, when Nikita is already 15 years old, and he is always trying to assert. In general, there are no special problems, but the upbringing of children is everyday work. Sometimes the viewer is easier to achieve an understanding than from their own children who have their own character and their ideas about everything.

- That is, to the fact that their dad is a TV presenter, do they relate calmly?

- Quiet, because with their life I have always been a television leading. The daughter was born a month before "other news" arose, and she does not remember me working as someone else. Their classmates somehow react to it. But the children themselves have no delight on this. Work as work.

- With the wife of Irina, you once met on NTV. What does she do now?

"Now she is engaged in children, but he really wants to go to work." I think, in the near future she will succeed.

- What are your roots, what did your mother with dad laid in you?

- My parents are engineers. They were engaged in all that is associated with space. Therefore, when I worked as a correspondent, I, including, was engaged in this topic, I traveled a lot to Baikonur. Dad laid interest in me - he is a lot and knows how to do it well, to fix something, make something. I took it with him. At the cottage, most construction work, I performed my own hands. From my grandmother I have love for the cultivation of plants, to biology, because summer, mostly, I spent in her dacha. There were greenhouses, and fruit trees, and beds. I also took part in all this, perceived it as a miracle - you plant the seed, and the plant grows above the growth above you.

- Are you thinking about some creative priese on the perspective?

- While I have a good morning, where there is also a lot of opportunities for development. And even besides plants, I professionally fond of macro photography: Largely photographing insects, spiders, ticks and so on. It is also a very interesting occupation, and I would like to achieve certain heights in it.

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