5 Languages: How to choose a gift for March 8


Before the coming international women's day, millions of Russian men break their heads, how to please their loved wives, please them and pamper something that emphasizes the ratio of the strong half of humanity. The psychologist Marina Khrustaleva will reveal the secret that will simplify the task of choosing gifts for the representatives of the fine sex and teach men to speak in love languages. To learn and remember them is easy, because there are only five of them.

Gifts - First Love Language . Material confirmation of the senses of the donor. It can be presents in the form of flowers and spirits, pleasant baubles, tickets for a concert of beloved music or the theater, certificates of cosmetic boutique, subscriptions in a fitness club or invitations to a master class on drawing. All you can touch and feel.

Material confirmation of the senses of the donor - flowers, perfume and the like

Material confirmation of the senses of the donor - flowers, perfume and the like

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Time and attention is the second language of love. It is expressed in the desire of a loving person as much time as possible to spend with the object of his adoration. And it's not just to spend this time ababa as, but with benefit and interesting. For example, campaigns to cinema or restaurants where you can talk to souls, listen to each other and say something pleasant to each other. Attention and ability to listen is very important for any woman, these are excellent tools to achieve its location. Listen to a wonderful sex representative, to ask her affairs and experiences - expensive.

Tactility is the third language of love. Most of us are needed tender touch. Hugs, stroking, kisses. Body contact brings closer partners not only physically, but also spiritually. Give the Woman Night of Love! Pay it in your tenderness and passion, create an atmosphere of romance. After sending to the SPA salon or on a good massage session. Massage, by the way, can be stretched for several sessions, extinguishing female pleasure.

SPA-Salon or Massage Session - Tactile Language Language

SPA-Salon or Massage Session - Tactile Language Language

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Compliments - the fourth language of love. Speak a woman beautiful words, praise her - her appearance, taste, style, ability to stay in society, culinary abilities and other talents. Verbal encouragement from the male side is always highly appreciated by a woman, they are able to melt even the most icy heart. Old folk wisdom - a woman loves ears. She did not lose their relevance to this day.

Care - the fifth language of love. Men, go to business without unnecessary words! Make a general cleaning in your home, prepare a festive lunch or dinner, help in any matters that a woman performed before that. The most valuable manifestation of love for her can be any decision of a man's domestic issue. For example, washing dishes or other house help. The main thing is to do it with pleasure and from the soul.

Each woman has their own understanding of love. Someone else understands the language of "care", someone's "gifts" language, someone's tactile sensation language, everything is individually. Understand what of the languages ​​you need to talk to your woman is easy. Especially on the eve of the holiday, when men turn into the most acute hearing and close attention. Favorite will surely give a signal, which she is currently most of all and which way of manifestation of love is waiting for from a man. Such knowledge will not only facilitate the search for a gift for their partners, but also improve relations in general.

In short, roads are not a gift, expensive attention!

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