Live hereby: Horoscope for August



Aries will be prone to demonstrative behavior, beautiful gestures, generosity through the edge. All August you will be on the rise than deserve the sympathy of new and old friends. But you should not get involved, otherwise you risk take over too many cases and tasks.


At the end of the summer, the shoulders will become slightly more quick-tempered and aggressive than always. Your irritated condition is the result of nervous overloads, so urgently postpone the case and begin to engage yourself and your own health. Day in nature by the river or hike in the forest - and you are back in service!


The turntable personal life of the twins prevents their creative and professional development. It is now that you should decide and break the relationship that pull you into the pool. Do not get carried away with alcohol, loud friends of friends, prefer quiet gatherings with friends or massage session.


In August, cancer will re-learn to be content with small. Previous successes and victories spoke your head, so now you are demanding - but the pressure and pressure on others will not lead to anything good. By the end of the month, try to be quieter of water, below the grass.

a lion

The whole month of Lviv can pursue a vague, but the oppressive feeling of discontent with themselves and others. So that it is not injected into depression, pay attention to those who need help. Stretch your hand to a friend, save the kitten or organize a charitable trip to the orphanage - the best (and the most noble!) Exit from emotional deadlock.


In August, devans have to constantly defend their opinion, demonstrate their authority, strength and power. Sometimes the situation will require stiffness from you and even cruelty - do not be scared, show your principle and ability to show character. Such tactic will benefit your business relationship.


Usually prone to reflection and able to listen to themselves and their intuition of scales in August will constantly feel doubts and will not be able to take an important and necessary solution. Contact your family advice, which will help and direct you. By the way, it is better to devote to your loved ones all the weekend that have long been waiting for your participation and care.


Scorpions will have a difficult month, which has prepared a lot of surprises and unexpected, but pleasant meetings. You will be brought to new acquaintances, you will be fascinated by those who surround you. What is the most pleasant, all people who will now meet you on the way, will play positive roles in your life in the very near future.


Stubbornness and inconsistency - so you can characterize the behavior strategy chosen by the Archers at the end of summer. Surprisingly, it is your closeness and unwillingness to enter into negotiations will help you avoid unnecessary spending and emotional "American slides."


Capricorn should carefully follow their partner, pay attention to him and demonstrate feelings, otherwise wait for troubles. Stars add up in such a way that it was in August that you are the risk of divorces, scandals and twilights with the second half. Take measures in advance.


Waterwords time to finish with frivolous behavior and take the mind. All your affairs and plans that you configured should have been decided just now, at the end of the summer. And if this did not happen, it is necessary to immediately return to the working track. Alas, but you do not see holidays in this case - it is better to transfer holidays for September.


Workaholic-fish will be a royal one for their uninterrupted and efficient work. Try to take everything from vacation: Disconnect the phone, leave the laptop in the room, go to the beach, allow yourself to relax and forget about the world around. So you will be able to recharge as much as possible on the eve of September.

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