How to teach yourself to drink more water


You can infinitely talk about the benefits of clean drinking water for the body, but what's the point in this, if you do not apply knowledge in practice? If you want to stay vigorous all day, have clean shining skin and hair, speed up the thought process and, in general, feel better, without water can not do. We tell how to teach yourself to drink enough water per day.

Install the goal

You might think: "Why do I need it, if I have already promised to drink more many times, and nothing worked?" Believe me, you will feel a noticeable difference when you change a little tactics. Buy a two-liter bottle of clean drinking water and put it in front of yourself on the table. You can divide the bottle to the bottle of dashes at the same distance from each other by a permanent marker. Sign the time: 8.00, 10.00, 12.00 and so on. This will be your goal: to a certain hour you need to drink the volume of water to the mark. You can start experiments from juice, milk or tea, if you used to drink irregularly.

Keep a glass of clean water at hand

Keep a glass of clean water at hand


Add taste

With existing variety of products on the shelves of supermarkets, we became dependent on the taste of food - now we will rather consider the chocolate with strawberries and we will consider it "boring" and replace it on the other - with chia seeds and honey. What to say about the water ... You have to go on the brain and diversify the water by adding her taste - put a handful of fresh or frozen berries into the bottle, add herbs decoction, for example, mint, chamomile, melissa, or cut the lemon and cucumber with circles. In addition to taste, water will bring even more benefits to the body - in berries, vegetables and decoctions contain antioxidants, slowing the aging process.

Add fresh berries to water

Add fresh berries to water


Let the water be cold

Agree that chilled water is nicer and easier to drink than room temperature water. Add ice or frozen berries to a glass - they will drop the water temperature. You can also independently make ice cubes - mix the decoction of herbs and lemon juice, add pieces of fruit and berries and freeze the mixture. It is important that the water is not ice, otherwise you can easily catch a cold.


Surprisingly, this simple advice works! While you drink water through a tube in small sips, water from the glass disappears literally in front of the eyes. Not in vain, children buy unusual glasses, accused by tubes - this is a receipt of attention to pay attention, a game element that really lures and makes drinking more ordinary.

Drink through the tube

Drink through the tube


Install your mobile application

Many companies have released an application that allows you to monitor water consumption. In some, you will celebrate how many glasses drank. In others - water a virtual plant with water, which you have already managed to consume. Choose the application to your taste and do not forget to use it. In the settings, you can enable a reminder that will be displayed on the screen of your smartphone every couple of hours with the intention to remind you to drink another glass of water.

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