How to change the profession?


According to the research center of the recruiting portal, about 39% of economically active Russians are ready to radically change the profession. At the same time, the material side of the question is not at all the only one and certainly not the main reason for such initiatives: any sensible worker realizes that global professional changes will first lead to financial instability. At least the first time. Surprisingly, according to polls, Russians, seeking to retracted, are guided by spiritual values ​​rather: they want to get new knowledge and make new friends, as well as make their lives less monotonous.

At the same time, it is not necessary to think that all the "faders" - completely losers that could not be implemented in the selected sphere and are now looking for other options. Very often, people, quite successful in the profession, at some point are aware of the need for change, open new talents in themselves or simply strive to expand their horizons.

So how to do it right if you understand what you see yourself in a completely different role?

Don't cut off

To begin with, it is necessary to decide whether you really want to coordinate the course of your career or simply switch to the adjacent specialty. It all depends on the internal worldview. If you are just tired of everyday duties or see more prospects, but in general the scope of labor is interesting to you, then you should look around around yourself. Perhaps in your native company there is a position for which you do not need knowledge more than they give corporate advanced training courses or the most common leicure of colleagues. In this case, much more intelligent to talk to the leadership and ask to translate you, rather than re-look for work and seek location in a new place.

Another option is an adjacent profession. You don't have to cut off your shoulder, some knowledge of the given subject you probably already have, and the current achievements will not disappear. At least their part. But the need for a study of new horizons will be satisfied. In this case, we recommend simply sign up for courses, which will continue to help you navigate in a new place. It is also not bad to search for professional contacts that contribute to your professional rebranding.

No compromise

If the semi-dimensions are not for you, then it is worth more seriously prepared for future career changes. Start follows, again, with education. But in this case, it is much better not to be limited to courses, but try to get a second (third, etc.) higher education in the selected specialty. And the point here is not only knowledge, which will certainly need. Often, people simply see the future profession through the prism of their own disappointments. Accountant, ten years accounting reporting and tired by paper fiber, envies designers, the main responsibilities of which, according to the first, is fantasy and meeting with interesting people. And the journalist, tired of creative childbirth and these most permanent meetings, is sure that only office plankton is truly happy, which has a calm and hard work schedule, short days and numerous tea drinking. The problem is that in any profession there are costs, at first glance, invisible. And long-term training will help, firstly, to get acquainted with them and get a full picture of your future work activities, and secondly, to strengthen in your own desire, make sure that it is conscious and will not disappear at the first difficulties.

The next stage is a summary. It is worth approaching the process to this creative: the template listing of former posts and places of work most often do not play any role for a potential employer from another sphere. Therefore, the main emphasis is better to make personal achievements that characterize your character, erudition, initiative. The highest pilot cattle is to rewrite a resume in order to interest the HR manager even those positions that at first glance are not related to the company's activities. For example, the primary class teacher can describe the experience of the Start-Up project called "extracurricular meetings of small lovers of history." Anyway, a creative approach and a healthy self-irony will find approval.

At the interview, be prepared for questions about the reasons for your departure from the previous profession. In this situation, first of all, do not be afraid and confused. In the end, this is your personal business in which area to implement yourself. In addition, once the interview is still appointed, then the employer is somehow interested, one way or another. Therefore, be honest and calm, explain your motivation and is the likelihood that the employer not only will understand you, but also hits. After all, not everyone will have enough decisiveness in order to get away from a spaced place in search of new victories. And one thing is worthy of respect.

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