Good sign: trying to recognize pregnancy before delay


As a rule, a woman is sent to the reception to the gynecologist, when signs of pregnancy become too obvious to ignore them. However, experts say that it is possible to recognize an interesting position on the second and even the first week independently. It is important to understand that these symptoms may accompany other conditions of the body, therefore, it is absolutely definitely accurate in the body for a bright sign of pregnancy. We collected the main "calls", which most often confirmed the development of a new life.

Sensitivity of the mammary glands

As a rule, during pregnancy, the first "suffers" the chest, the sensitivity of which increases several times. Approximately 60% of women noted unpleasant sensations when touched, while in almost every case the pregnancy was confirmed. Nevertheless, such an unpleasant condition is observed and during the PMS, and therefore in no hurry to delight your man until you visit your attending physician.


One of the classic signs that everyone heard is. Many women do not face such a problem throughout the entire pregnancy period, but the overwhelming majority cannot boast such luck. Most often, nausea in the early time is inconsistent and manifests itself, as a rule, in the morning hours.

Consult your attending physician

Consult your attending physician


Pulling pain in the uterus

If you know that no concomitant gynecological diseases can be accompanied by a similar symptom, most likely pain speaks of your interesting position. It's all about reducing the uterine muscles that adapt under their new position, the whole process is accompanied by pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Permanent drowsiness

This symptom is often confused with the beginning of colds, but fatigue and constant desire to lie down and fall asleep can talk about your interesting position. In the body of a pregnant woman, a hormone progesterone is produced, which has a powerful relaxing effect.


Do you feel a sudden increase in temperature and chills of incomprehensible origin? It is possible for you to seem not therapist, but a gynecologist. Moreover, the temperature may not increase in fact - the internally sensation of the heat is due to the restructuring of the body under a new state.

Pain in the lower back

As well as pulling pain in the uterus, tingling in the lower back can also be considered a sign of pregnancy in some cases in early terms. The unpleasant sensations appear in the form of "strips" and sharp tingling at the bottom of the back, as well as often in the muscles of the legs.

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