Helen Mirren: "I am a real boring and bourgeois jagged"


1. About women

The role of a woman in espionage has always been underestimated. It is unfair. It

The world exactly lacks us!

Two definitions that I just hate about my heroines, and in general female characters - "strong" and "brave." They really annoy me, detain as a woman. Why are you talking about them as about three-year-old children?

I am sure that every modern woman is a feminist, even if it denies this word and the concept. Would you ask those who lived forty years ago: "Is this the world in which you want to be?" None would answer in the affirmative.

I was part of that generation of women who received education contrary to financial non-publicity family. And this generation broke the wall of snobism and discrimination from older men.

2. About me

I do not think that if you do good, you will work well around you. Everything is completely accidental and chaotic. Sometimes bad happens with very good people, and sometimes the opposite. But at least making something beautiful, you do not spend time, but dedicate yourself to worthy things.

I am in sadness and shock from the fact that the concept of decency disappears from our society. Conflicts are aggravated into the movies and on television, people are cruel on the Internet and in reality. It seems that everything around is always angry.

No good way to kill your time. Murder - and there is a murder.

Understanding and control of our internal fears is one of the most important tasks in our life.

Patience is good, but optional quality. There is nothing wrong with that sometimes be a little bit impatient and a bit not so polite, what sometimes I am.

In fact, I am not a volitional man at all. I'm a weak. I love to tell people what to do.

Official marriage can be justified only by economic benefits. I never sought to get married, but generally pleased that it did.

Probably, like all the British, I am a real bore and bourgeois ramp. But I try to fight it.

I am not delighted with my nose, I do not like my knees, I hate the ankle, not sure about the buttocks, we dislike my legs. It's not too prank your chin, and my forehead, in my opinion, is hurt. But in general, I can live with it.

3. About work

I have never sighed in life after play or filming with relief and with the words: "Thank God, today Friday!" But the weekend is installed, even if you have a superproof schedule. Do not forget about it.

I have never been a star that takes part in castings. All because I am great.

Until now, I am terribly suffering from fear of the scene. Not every night, as before, but in some cases, when it did not expect that. And you just need to cope with this fear - to take it on the sight, work, despite him, make him plow on yourself.

4. About the spirit of youth

When you are young, you are not wondering that all these old men buzz with their wisdom. Being young, you want to make concrete things. And, thank God, there are those who come out and make them - change the world, build our future.

Oh, this terrible moment, when you understand that you are no longer the youngest feature in the room. It is terrible to this - only the moment when you realize that you are the oldest.

It's so hard when you are young, - seeing older people and understand that they were in your place. Strange, you just can't imagine that fully, right? You can not accept when Yuna, that today's sixty years old was once sixteen years old. And they can, they remember themselves with carefree junns.

Until now, the Gypsy spirit of adventure is alive. I can not remember when the last time I slept in one bed longer than three to four months in a row. I am planting vegetables, but you never extended the fruits. I'm rapid flowers, but I have never seen buds. I am constantly moving around the world.

Agnia Lisitsyn

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