6 phrases that you do not hear from successful people


Your thoughts and what you say yourself and other people stronger than you can imagine. These phrases affect your actions and your result. The poor is different from their thinking, as many personal growth coaches write. Here are six phrases that never say successful people:

"This is a black strip"

Vera in what the world is configured against you is faith in the existence of the "black stripe" in life. With such thinking you will often see the negative and attract it to your life. Instead, try to think about individual adversity as small tests. Look at the situation objectively and act the same way. Be grateful for the fact that the world has given you the opportunity to try myself and your strength. If the universe gave you such a test, it means to overcome it in power. Take failures as invaluable experience that will help you move on.

"This is not my fault"

We yourself are to blame. Successful people know that everything that happens in their business is related to their actions. This may not be accepted at the right time solution or incorrect cost calculation. In any case, if you have a problem, you know the decision. Shooting blame for someone, you throw responsibility to another person. And this is a passive approach that will not lead you to the desired goal. You can not control only 10% of things that occur in life. For example, weather, global changes in the economy and so on. Keep the focus on what you can change in your life. Everything is in your hands, which means that success also depends solely from you.

Become confident by a person, then others will believe in you

Become confident by a person, then others will believe in you

Photo: unsplash.com.

"I'll try"

Successful people themselves choose what they will do, and then proceed to action. The phrase "I will try" means that this task is not in priority for you. If it is not important, give up her and do not. It is much better to say "I will find a way" or "I'm not going to do this, but I suggest ...", where you either do, or - no.

"Let's wait and see"

Waiting for something - this is not the most correct strategy. Successful people do not expect anything, they act and get the result, as they understand that they are all under power. The world does not stand still. Passive observation will not play your hand. In addition, it can get into the habit of which it is difficult to get rid of. Make a list of desires, imagine your future. Think how you can achieve the desired one. Write a plan as you will achieve goals. And realize that only you control your life.

"It will never work"

Successful people who are confident in their abilities do not reject the ideas of others. They know that breakthroughs are often the consequences of the ideas of those people in which no one believed. Successful people will not evaluate ideas, they will start asking questions to delve into the idea in order to understand it. If the idea does not shoot, successful people will not reproach a person. Distil the ideas of others? Ask yourself why it happens. Perhaps you subconsciously want to knock someone from the path or promote your idea.

"It's not fair"

Successful people are the heroes of their life, not the victims. They believe that there are no "unfair" circumstances. Instead of complaining about life, they are looking for ways to get around the situation. Successful people perceive the failure as an opportunity to gain experience in the minimum price. They are convinced that they will soon get more than lost. Your words and thoughts are how you live, as you act, who will be in the future. Watch out what you say, filter the information, produce useful lexical habits, think positively in any situation and know that everything is only in your hands. Be successful!

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