We lose it: 6 ways to fill out of the fooling energy


Even the most "livelists", which can charge their energy of the city, sooner or later lose their stock. Our energy resource has its own limitations, so at some point it may be necessary to recharging. If you ignore constant lethargy and reluctance to take on everyday life, the psyche and the body will ultimately begin. What to do? Today we decided to talk about the effective methods of energy replenishment.


Many persistently ignore a wonderful way of getting rid of stress, which is extremely necessary for a person who spends most of the day in a big city. Daily communication, social networks, work is the main reason why many want to beat the corner and sit in silence by the end of the day. By the way, for meditation it is not necessary to allocate a separate place, you can "go to ourselves" right in the workplace, having spent on unity with your thoughts just a few minutes a day, this will be enough that the level of stress does not shrink.

Walk alone or with friends

Outside the summer window, and when, as not right, go to nature or just go for a walk. There is an important point: the walk should be held in a calm green place, hike on shopping walk as such is not. Select a day free of affairs, calls and social networks, invite a friend, take the bike and go to the nearest park. If you do not always have time for long walks, it is enough for hours several times a week to get out, breathe air and bring thoughts in order.

Permanent communication pulls the last forces

Permanent communication pulls the last forces

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Do not starve

Mad rhythm of life often does not give normally to have a snack, what to say about a full dinner. And yet, to ensure normal life, it is necessary to eat right and at least three times a day. If you understand that a full dinner will be not soon, then take time at least for a useful snack, which can become nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid harmful bars that are so loved by many office workers: a large amount of carbohydrates has not yet brought benefit and charge energy.

Sleep at night

As we have said, a big city requires constant presence in the event, time is not enough not only for food, but also for sleep: often many things have to decide at night, when no one bothers. However, for the full functioning, our body needs to relax at least 7 hours per day, otherwise wait for failures and various unpleasant overloading.

More water

Water is your natural fuel. We all need to maintain a water balance, differences only in the amount of water consumption. Refuse the carbonated and sweet drinks, which only damage the stomach and bring extra kilograms, and with them an additional disorder. If you start feeling weakness, it is quite possible, you lost a lot of water and the body requires replenishment. Be careful to your body.

Eyes require rest

As you know, most of the information we get with the help of vision. If the information is overloaded, the incessant headaches that may not give rest for a long time. All you need to do in this situation is to take breaks throughout the day. Select at least 15 minutes per hour to distract from the computer or smartphone screen. Severe eyes and sit for a few minutes, make a relaxing charge. By the end of the week, you stop experiencing pulling pain in the temples and feel the tide of the forces.

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