How to distinguish a good cosmetologist: 11 items to pay attention to


The choice of a cosmetologist is the point responsible. After all, it is he who is responsible for our beauty, youth and even health.

It is best to apply not to a beautician, but to a professional dermatotologist who has a profile medical education . He will be able to solve not only the aesthetic problems of the skin, but also to influence it from the inside, the doctor will take into account the type of your skin, if necessary, can appoint you a survey and treatment.

Today in Russia, full of "specialists", which ended only courses of cosmetologists and do not have absolutely no relation to medicine. Unfortunately, after their visit, many customers remain unsatisfied. And sometimes they receive serious health problems and appearance. And as you know, to redo the poor-quality work is much more difficult than "create on a clean sheet." So the first thing to make sure to come to the beauty procedures are the presence of a diploma at the doctor.

Another important point is the presence of Medical license In the clinic or beauty salon. This document suggests that all necessary conditions have been created in the institution to provide such services.

Make sure the preparations used by experts have all the necessary documents.

Make sure the preparations used by experts have all the necessary documents.


In addition, it is necessary to make sure that Preparations used by experts , have all the necessary documents that their application is allowed in Russia. Unfortunately, sometimes medical centers and cosmetologists acquire analogues of famous brands that are cheaper and have no permissive documentation. Remember, their impact on the body may not be checked or even dangerous!

What else is distinguished by a good dermatocosmetologist:

1. Appearance. Pay attention to how the doctor looks like. Well-groomed face, clean uniform, the presence of gloves and hats, neatly trimmed nails, antiseptics for hands in the office - the required components of the first acquaintance.

2. Room. Look back, inspect the office. It should be clean, preparations are ideal, and equipment - to meet modern standards. A good sign, if you see certificates on the walls, bother and read them.

Attention! In no case, do not agree to the procedures at home or at the cosmetologist. No competent specialist will go for it. Conducting procedures in such conditions can be dangerous to your health.

3. During the first visit, choose a safe procedure, for example, a lightweight facial massage. Already on the first touch of the hands of the doctor, you will understand whether it is suitable for your methods.

4. Do not hesitate to ask a cosmetologist to a cosmetologist about the need for a particular procedure. Sometimes non-professionals can impose services in which there is no need.

5. Integet to why the doctor enjoys just this brand of cosmetics. A high-class specialist will always be able to give intentional answers to this kind of questions.

6. Move it if the beautician does not offer you alternative methods for solving your problems and categorically insists on some specific one. It can talk about its low qualification, as well as that he is just unfamiliar with other methods.

First select a simple procedure

First select a simple procedure


7. Specify when the doctor was the last time on the advanced training courses. Today, cosmetology science walks by a gigantic pace, so to be aware of new products, the doctor must constantly learn.

8. If the specialist does not specify before carrying out traumatic procedures, do you have any chronic diseases, think about it. Sometimes even the usual rise of temperature from the simplest manipulation can provoke negative consequences.

9. If, noticing some changes on your skin, for example, a rash or an increase in moles, a beautician recommends consulting a doctor, take it as a good sign. This suggests that a specialist who is interested in your problems is working with you.

10. Cancel visits to a cosmetologist, who even unobtrusively interests your material situation.

11. If you have at least the slightest doubts about the competence of a beautician, give up its services. Do not try to seem polite, because we are talking about your health.

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